Golden Dragon according to Liu Fah.
What is the golden dragon?
Observing the golden dragon whether moving or
What is Yang Gong observing?
The golden dragon is the topography. The
mountains, the rivers and the in-between spaces.
What is the movement of the golden dragon?
It is the slope of the topography from a higher
ground to a lower ground to the river which is the lowest.
The Dragon is divided into two halves to
obtain the Yin Yang;
For Liu Fah the derivation of the Yin Yang is
based on the Bagua and the Period.
After the Golden Dragon is derived, the
method is then used to establish the Zhen Shen (Direct Spirit) and Ling Shen
(In-Direct Spirit).
Direct Spirit and In-Direct Spirit.
This is the actual application of the Golden
Dragon for Liu Fah.
Checking the external environment to match
the Direct and In-Direct Spirit.
Once the Direct and In-Direct Spirit is
established based on the Period, the external Ci Xiong such as buildings, open
spaces, water elements are checked for conformance with the Direct and
In-Direct Spirit location.
Another very important factor is to have the
door in the In-Direct spirit location to receive the Qi. Windows are also
treated similarly.
Liu Fah Feng Shui Audit.
The Direct and In-Direct Spirit audit is the
first thing to do for Liu Fah Methodology.
The location of the door. In relation to the
In-Direct Spirit location.
The element in front of the door. Whether
building, water or open space to match the Direct and In-Direct Spirit location
for the period.
金龙章 -Golden Dragon Chapter
玄空本义 …… 作者谈养吾
Xuan Kong Ben Yi.
First observe the Golden Dragon whether
moving or not;
The Dragon is divided into two halves
obtaining the Yin Yang;
Qian, Kan, Gen, Zhen as the Yang on one side,
Xun, Li, Kun, Dui as the Yin on the other
The positions of the two halves of the Bagua.
Yin one side as mountain, Yang one side as
Representing the form being separated into
two sides.
Golden dragon, the moving Qi which is Yang
and strong.
The land having Golden Dragon is similar to
human having consciousness/vigor/spirit.
The reason why the description for the
original/form of Qian, being the Qian Gua from I-Ching, six strokes are all
Yang, the one with the dragon name, the extreme of Yang being 9, when the Qi is
the strongest.
It is the same for the Qi vein of the land,
ever changing, decreasing and increasing never staying fixed, the reason it is
named the dragon, which is naturally moving.
Must use the movement of the water and the
mountain, facing each other, both having the energy (spirit), combining in two
If both facing each other, movement only for
mountain but not for water, or mountain big and water small, or with mountain
but without water, with water but without mountain,
Without both the energy (spirit), not divided
into two pieces, golden dragon has no movement, the Ci Xiong not matching, Yin
Yang cannot be obtained,
That’s the reason must observe the golden
dragon to see if it is moving, the reason earth observation is the most
critical point.
Upper Yuan 1, 2, 3, 4 period, obtain Late
Heaven Qian, Kan, Gen, Zhen as the 4 Yang Gua representing mountain on one
side, Xun, Li, Kun, Dui as the Yin Gua representing water on the other side;
Lower Yuan 1, 2, 3, 4 period, obtain Late
Heaven Qian, Kan, Gen, Zhen as the 4 Yang Gua representing water on one side,
Xun, Li, Kun, Dui as the Yin Gua representing mountain on the other side;

That is having mountain and water in two
halves, when meeting will also have opposing, without opposing it would be
difficult to meet which would be unable to copulate.
River South in-coming observe from River
River West out-going observe from River East;
South opposite North, East opposite West.
The reason 1 must face 9, 2 must face 8, 3
must face 7, 4 must face 6;
If not matching 10, the Golden Dragon is not
observing, when not observing it will not copulate.
This method of arrangement, divided into odd
and even;
1, 3, 7, 9 as Yang, 2, 4, 6, 8 as Yin.
Yang clockwise and Yin anti-clockwise, flying
in the 9 palaces;
5 being the God in command, where ever it is
located, it represents the palace with the prosperous Qi;
From the geomancy records of Yang Gong,
during period one with 5 yellow arriving at Li palace, the reason Li palace is
considered as prosperous water.
Considered as the Golden Dragon.
Another record showing during period 7 with 5
yellow arriving at Zhen palace, the reason Zhen palace is considered as
prosperous water, the Golden Dragon.
Those reading without noticing, the Lou Shu 9
book, did not differentiate Odd and Even, not differentiate clockwise and
Every period using the opposite as prosperous
water, is a mistake, until now still unclear, not knowing Yang Gong teaching
people using the application of the four direct odd numbers, four indirect even
numbers, still hidden and not revealed.
How to verify? Saying period 1 but not saying
period 2;
The later passage saying Lower Yuan Period 7,
1 and 7 being odd numbers.
The filling in method are similar, following
the sequence for period 2, the 5 yellow will be at Kun;
Using Kun palace as the prosperous water as
the Golden Dragon, it is earth shattering, even the ghosts will cry at night.
The water as the Golden Dragon, as mentioned
above, also mountain as the Golden Dragon methodology;
It is just about two halves, two opposite
palaces facing each other.
For those observing will understand clearly
the big Golden Dragon is big Ci Xiong.
There is no size differentiation for Golden
Dragon, there is only one and not two, for Ci Xiong there is size (Big Small)
For every period there is a big Ci Xiong, there
is also a small Ci Xiong;
Whether the big Golden Dragon moves or not,
there are only two Guas, the form is visible;
The copulation of the small Ci Xiong, there
are eight Guas, no form visible;
Although both are observing, but in reality
the observation is different.
Golden Dragon this term used in earth study
seems peculiar,
Especially using moving as the most
auspicious, when there is no movement, the dragon is considered as not having
any living Qi, the upper category of the dragon considered as Golden, Qian is
gold, representing 6 Yang lines, named Golden Dragon, regarded as strongest and
with movement.
It has profound meanings, Yang Gong said
observing Ci Xiong, which is looking at imagery which has form.
Further saying observing if the Golden Dragon
is moving, which is looking at formless Qi.
So it can be deduce that to know the real
meaning of Geomancy, it is to observe the Ci Xiong with form, to establish the
houses and tombs, the facing is hard to utilize.
Must observe whether the Dragon is male or
female, all having Qian, Qian being firm as the moving Qi of the Golden Dragon,
only then can be usable.
If not even though there is Yin Yang to
differentiate, the Ci Xiong can be named, if the Dragon has become weak.
Similarly if the blood Qi of the human is
weak, hoping to develop which has its difficulties, this being the form of the
mountains and the power of the water, whether its Qi vein is moving or still,
must firstly be observed carefully.
The Qi of the dragon, considered alive if it
has movement, the Qi is visible to the eye, the form of the dragon, the
movement reflected in the shape, although the pattern is difficult to
trace/describe, but when the secret is revealed, everyone can differentiate it.
It is all in the observation and experience,
observing the land is similar to observing human’s spirit/energy, whether it is
strong or weak, it is similar when observing the movement of the Golden Dragon.
Similarly for those before getting married
first taking a look at the other party.
Whether for male or female, when one of them
is weak, even if forced to get married, it would be difficult to bear a child;
The meaning of observing Golden Dragon, the
application of the big Golden Dragon method, also another method of saying, the
student must differentiate the other methodology.
The mountains have the mountains Golden
Dragon, the water have the water Golden dragon.
Each of them have their own living prosperous
Qi which is moving, the form is reflected on earth, which can be used to
establish the Xue.
People unknowingly derived from the Lou Shu
the One Star in Command and calling it the Golden Dragon.
Comment: The Flying Star
Like the Chan School of upside down, the
method all wrong, should have emphasized on studying the classics, the meaning
are all completely contradictory.
Comment: The Zhang Chong San Flying
Star School.
“Chen, Xu, Chou, Wei knocking the Golden
Dragon, with movement will never be poor”. Here knocking is referring to
To strictly concentrate on the amount of
Subsequently the meaning, the Qi of Heaven
and Earth, following the changes of the 4 seasons;
Using the Qi in command(season), with the
earth formation to establish the facing for the matching of the above and
Making use of it, described as knocking here.
The method of seasonal star is basically the
same, must utilize the 5 period (Yuan);
Fixing the 6 Qi, arranging the 6 Jia, filling
the 8 doors;
Using this as the methodology, using the
moving heavenly Qi from the sun above, which circulates continuously;
Human on the ground, determining the Xue to
establish their residence, there is a certain (fixed) direction, waiting for
the time to absorb the particular Qi.
When the Heaven and Earth combined to be one,
the prosperous living energy can last forever.
Classics: Recognize Golden Dragon, one
latitude one longitude the meaning is boundless, moving or still, waiting for
sages to utilize.
Looking at the Qi is difficult to describe,
knocking on the Qi is difficult to understand, looking through the eyes,
knocking with the heart (concentration/focus), after comprehensive analysis it
is not difficult to understand.
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