Bazi and Feng Shui

Research on Bazi, Feng Shui & everything in the kitchen sink.
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Monday, May 19, 2014

Sun Si Miao

孙思邈 :
The illness of human beings and the law of heaven.

Whoever understands the law of heaven like the back of one’s hand, will definitely be qualified to participate in the matter of man;
To understand thoroughly the illness of human beings, it is also necessary to understand the behavior and variations in the law of heaven.

The weather has four seasons, 5 elements, one replacing another, in a rotating manner.
How does it actually operate?
When the heavenly law/weather is sweet tempered (mild), it is like the rain;
When it is angry, it changes to wind;
When it condenses and solidifies, it becomes frost and fog;
When it is time to show off and spread to all direction, it is the rainbow.
This is the law of heaven,
Humans are similar with the four limbs and five organs,
fire, liver wood, spleen earth, lungs metal and kidneys water)

Active during the day and at rest during night time, breathing to absorb the essence of the Qi, to breath out the stale air and to take in fresh air.
(To replenish the old with the new)
The flow of the Qi through the body becomes the nutrient Qi, defensive Qi;
Manifesting in the aspiration, appearance, complexion and vitality;
Outside manifestation through the voice (sound),
Representing the person’s natural behavior/discipline.
The way of Yin and Yang, corresponding according to heaven and human beings,
There is no difference between the Yin Yang of human body and the natural law of heaven.
When a person’s Yin Yang becomes unbalanced,
When the Qi and blood rises upward, it causes fever (heat);
When the Qi and blood becomes stagnant, it causes cold,
When the Qi and blood gathers in one spot and becomes knotted, it produces tumor which in times becomes an unwanted substance;
When the Qi and blood becomes subside (deficient), it becomes abscess/carbuncle;
When the Qi and blood becomes too strong and forceful, it causes shortness of breath and tiredness (listlessness).
When the Qi and blood is exhausted, it will manifest in prostration (exhaustion) of vitality.
All the various symptoms can be seen externally,
The changes in the Qi and blood are also expressed externally,
Isn’t it the same with heaven and earth?

The classification and generation of Qi.

Types of Qi:

• primary Qi (Yuan Qi),
• pectoral Qi (Zong Qi),
• nutrient Qi (Ying Qi) and
• defensive Qi (Wei Qi).
In terms of their source they may be further classified into
• congenital Qi and
• acquired Qi.


Blood is a red liquid circulating in the vessels, and is a vital nutrient substance in the body.
After being formed, blood normally circulates in the vessels throughout the body, and is taken charge of jointly by the heart, liver and spleen. The heart dominates the blood and vessels, and propelling force of heart Qi is the basis of the blood circulation.

What is 天道 the law of heaven?
What is the real illness of human being?

Heart attack, cancer, cold, fever are only an external manifestation of the imbalance of Yin Yang.
Thee is no difference between Yin Yang of the body and the natural law of heaven.
The natural behavior/discipline/emotion are the inner manifestation of Qi.
It is in the primary Qi (Yuan Qi) what we are born with, reflected in our Bazi. Further developed into pectoral Qi (Zong Qi), nutrient Qi (Ying Qi) and defensive Qi (Wei Qi). What is considered as acquired Qi.
Similar to what is proposed based on the Hetu 5 Yang and 5 Yin HS.
The 5 Yang HS are the Early Heaven representation and the 5 Yin HS the Late Heaven representation.
The 5 Yin Late Heaven behaviors are the acquired Qi which are the primary source of the illness of human beings.
All the various symptoms can be seen externally,
Isn’t it the same with heaven and earth?
The human body is an exact replica of the universe.

What is the Law of Heaven according to Feng Shui?
Ching Nan Jing

Huang Shi Gong 黄石公

The earth auspicious Qi rises upward, the light from heaven shines downward;
Yin uses Yang to proceed; Yang uses Yin to respond;
: virtue / goodness / morality / ethics / kindness / favor / character / kind

The goodness when on earth will be recorded above (in heaven).
In return, the light (bright) from above (the goodness accumulated) will shine back down on earth. (On the person who has accumulated the goodness).

Yin proceed as a result of Yang. (Our past actions/deeds determines the current situation/environment)
Yang uses Yin to respond. (Our current environment/predicaments are the result of our past actions/deeds.)

Our surrounding environment is a factor in the implementation of this Natural Law of Heaven.
Feng Shui is a study of this factor.

Why is Feng Shui so vague and difficult to comprehend as compared to TCM and Bazi?
Because Feng Shui can change the environment to change the Natural Law of Heaven.
The next phrase by Huang Shi Gong 黄石公 states the method of applying Yin Yang.

When Yin and Yang meets, good fortune lasts forever;
When Yin and Yang multiplies together, disaster and misfortune arrives at the door.
Comment: Wow. So simple. Can be a Feng Shui Master in less than a day. No need to walk the mountains for years.
As long as Yin Yang is affectionate and not clashing.
How can Yin and Yang clash? Everything is either Yin or Yang.
How do they meet each other? Is it like a boy girl sort of thing?

The method of implementation of the Natural Law of Heaven according to Huang Shi Gong 黄石公.


Where heaven arrives, where the earth is affected, where the form is still the Qi is stored, transforming into the growth of all living things;
Comment: The arrival of Karma from Heaven (past actions/deeds), the person on earth will feel the affect. The method of implementation is through Qi which accumulates where the form has stopped (still), transforming and affecting the lives of living things on earth.

Qi affect and respond accordingly, whether the person is a ghost or fortunate;
In haven there is imagery, on earth it is with form.
Comment: In heaven the karma is written (without form), which is acted out on earth (With form). The Qi affects the person who will respond accordingly. Whether the person will be fortunate or poorly during this lifetime on earth.

Above and below the image becomes one, creates a transformation.
Comment: When the above (karma) is acted out on earth (lifetime), it becomes one. Back to the original. This is the story of life on earth.

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