Sunday, November 11, 2012

Discussing the success, failure of Yong Shen and its recovery.


 Discussing the success, failure of Yong Shen and its recovery.


《子平真诠评注》 or Ziping Zhenquan Pingzhu (ZPZQPZ) or Annotations of Commentary on Ziping:

The Yue Ling is used to search for the Yong Shen. Matching with the other pillars, will have success and failure.
When is it a success?
For Officer meeting Wealth and Resource, with no punishment, clash, destruction and harm, the chart is established.
Wealth birth prosperous Officer, or Wealth meeting birth by EG with prosperous self with BiJian. Or Wealth structure with Resource protruding, with no obstruction, both not ke/control, establish Wealth chart structure.
EG birth Wealth, or EG carrying 7K with no wealth, abandon EG utilizing 7K with Resource protruding, EG chart structure established.
Prosperous Self with 7K meeting control, establishing 7K chart structure.
HO birth Wealth, or prosperous HO equipped with Resource, Resource rooted, or prosperous HO, weak self with Resource and 7K protruding, or HO carrying 7K without Wealth, establishing HO chart structure.
Yang Ren with Officer/7K protruding together with Wealth and Resource, with no HO, establish Yang Ren chart structure.
Shiganlu Yue Robbery, with Officer protruding meeting Wealth and Resource, Wealth protruding meeting EG/HO, 7K protruding with control, establishing Shiganlu Yue Robbery chart structure.

Once the Yong Shen is established, it is necessary to check for the success, failure and its recovery.


Direct Officer in the month branch as the Yue Ling.
Officer structure meeting Wealth and Resource, Direct Officer residing in the month,
Prosperous self with weal Officer, with Wealth to birth the Officer in the natal chart,
Weak self with strong Officer, with Resource to diminish the Officer,
Also for Direct Officer structure with Wealth and Resource, the Wealth and Resource not obstructing each other, the Officer structure is established.
Punishment, clash, destruction and harm, clash is the heaviest, clash is also a form of ke/control.
For wood which represent Officer, the clashing party is metal as the HO. The clash is considered as heavy/serious.
It is necessary to measure the severity of punishment, destruction, harm.  However these EB interaction will not necessary result in breaking a chart structure.


Wealth God in the month branch as the Yue Ling.
Wealth God in the month branch as the Yue Ling, when the Wealth is prosperous, with Officer in the natal chart, the prosperous Wealth will naturally birth the Officer.
Or with Wealth in the month branch as the Yue Ling with EG protruding in the HS, when the self is strong the EG will diminish the self, further birth Wealth.
Eating God birth Wealth.
Wealth normally dislike BiJian/Robbed Wealth, but with EG it is not inauspicious but auspicious, for the EG can make use of the BJ/RW.
Or with Resource protrude in the correct formation, without any obstruction for the Wealth and Resource.
With Resource in the Year HS, Wealth in the Hour HS, with BJ/RW in between, considered as not obstructing.
If separated by Officer Star forming prosperous Wealth birth Officer, with no obstruction, Wealth chart structure is considered established.


Resource in the month branch as the Yue Ling.
Weak Resource meeting 7K, or with both Officer and Resource;
Weak Resource in the month branch as the Yue Ling, using 7K to birth the Resource, considered as 7K birth Resource Chart Structure.
With Officer to birth the Resource, considered as Officer Resource both complete chart structure.
When the self is prosperous and the Resource is strong, not able to further use Resource, it is best to have EG/HO to diminish the self as the structure.
If the Resource is too heavy, it is necessary to diminish the Resource, the principle of the Five Element theory, too much earth will bury the metal, too much water wood will float, must get rid of the excess, support what is insufficient, for the Yong Shen to be effective.
With Wealth protruding but with weak rooting, meeting luck period to support the Wealth, assisting the inadequate is auspicious.
If the Wealth has no root in the natal chart, even if the Resource is excessive, no able to use the Wealth to destroy the Resource.
With prosperous Wealth in the natal chart, Resource will be damaged, in this scenario it is good to have BJ/RW to eliminate the excessive Wealth. To illustrate that it is necessary to suit the chart when considering the Wealth, it is not a fixed matter.


Eating God in the month branch as the Yue Ling.
Eating God as the Yue Ling (month branch). With Wealth in the four pillars, considered as Eating God birth Wealth, establishing the chart structure.
Eating God in the month branch as the Yue Ling.
With 7 Killing in the four pillars, considered as Eating God control 7 Killing as the Yong Shen. Inauspicious to meet Wealth which birth 7K. Thus it is better not to see Wealth.
Eating God in the month branch as the Yue Ling.
With prosperous 7K and Resource protruding, the EG to be abandoned and Resource adopted to utilize the 7K. Even though it is EG Yue Ling, it is no longer considered a EG structure.
Within a natal chart with InDirect Resource snatching Eating God, the EG to be abandoned and Resource adopted to utilize the 7K. Establishing the structure.


Indirect Officer in the month as the Yue Ling.
Prosperous self with Indirect Officer in the month branch as Yue Ling, with Eating God to control the 7K is wonderful, establishing the 7K chart structure.
Prosperous self with weak 7K, or weak self with strong 7K, not able to utilize EG to subdue the 7K, to establish the structure (7K structure), both the self and the 7K must be strong.


Hurting Officer in the month branch as the Yue Ling.
Hurting Officer in the month branch (Yue Ling), use Wealth when the self is prosperous, considered as HO birth Wealth chart structure;
When the self is weak Resource is usable, considered as HO with Resource.
Prosperous HO, resource is rooted, auspicious during luck period which birth the Resource.
Either of the above condition is met, the chart structure is considered established.
Or if the HO is prosperous, with weak self, with both 7K and Resource protruding in the HS, can be considered as Resource controlling the HO, diminishing the 7K to nourish the self to establish the structure.
Even though HO is in the month branch as the Yue Ling, the important point is the Resource.
HO with 7K without Wealth, similar to EG equipped with 7K.
With HO riding on 7K, completely subduing the 7K, inauspicious to meet Wealth to assist the 7K, without Wealth, the chart structure is considered established.


Yang Ren in the month branch as the Yue Ling.
With Yang Ren in the month branch as Yue Ling, with Direct Officer and 7K to control the Yang Ren, to establish a good chart structure.
Prosperous Yang Ren with strong 7K, represent a most illustrious and powerful chart. With Resource ot nourish the Yang Ren, Wealth to birth 7K, meeting both Wealth and Resource is most auspicious, but there must not be any obstruction.
For prosperous Yang Ren, can use EG/HO to diminish the self, but if using Officer/7K to control the self, no longer can use EG/HO, therefore not meeting HO can establish a chart structure.


Shiganlu in the month branch as month robbery.
Shiganlu in the month branch as month robbery, with Officer protruding further meeting Wealth and Resource, considered as Officer chart structure.
Protrude Weath meeting EG/HO, considered as Wealth chart structure.
Protrude 7K meeting control and being subdued, considered as 7K chart structure.
Shiganlu as Robbed Wealth is not usable, must obtained the use of others which assist/support to establish a chart structure.

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