Saturday, November 23, 2013

Bill Gates

Born October 28, 1955 at 22.00.

Chart Structure.

Ren Day Master born in the month of Xu but with no protrusion of Wu earth.
Instead Xin Direct Resource and Bing In-Direct Wealth protrude in the HS making the chart structure a Direct Resource Structure with In-Direct Wealth as the secondary structure.
The IW is supported in the HS by the HO on the right. HO producing Wealth. The Bing fire is also rooted in the Year, Month and Day Pillars.
On the left is the Xin DR which is rooted in the Month and Day Pillars.
There is also a possible combination between the two Yong Shen, the Bing and the Xin which is separated by the Day Pillar.

Strength of DM.

The Ren DM is rooted in Hai and is in Officer Qi phase making it relatively strong.
(Again using ZPZQ method of HS strength analysis)
It is further supported by a Direct Resource which is rooted in the 2 Xu.

What is so good about the chart?

There are many web sites and books which have analyzed this Bazi and many interpretations were given.
There is one which says that the Yong Shen is Bing fire and why the Bing fire is such a good Yong Shen for the chart without explaining why.
There are others which say the DM is too weak and has surrendered to the Fire Wealth.
Comment: If Bing is an important Yong Shen to be supported then 1986 Bing Yin year with the Yin Xu Ban He supporting fire and the Wei Hai Ban He supporting the wood would be a good reason for him doing so well that year.
American computer millionaire, the richest man in the world in the '90s. His company, Microsoft, went public in 1986.
Comment: If Bing Fire is an important Yong Shen, the removal of Bing during Xin Si LP 2002 to 2011 would not be so good for him with the Bing Xin combination. Removing the Wealth Yong Shen leaving the Xin Resource as the only Yong Shen. The Si fire would not be favorable to the Xin Resource.
Since 2000, the nominal value of his Microsoft holdings has declined due to a fall in Microsoft's stock price after the dot-com bubble burst and the multi-billion dollar donations he has made to his charitable foundations.
Comment: If Bing is the Yong Shen, during Ren Wu LP 1992 to 2001 with the Ren clashing the Bing would be a bad thing even with the Wu Xu Ban He supporting fire. But it is not the case.
He is consistently ranked in the Forbes list of the world's wealthiest people and was the wealthiest overall from 1995 to 2009—excluding 2008, when he was ranked third.
There are some which says that it is because of the Resource which makes it such a wonderful chart.
Comment: If Xin Resource is a Yong Shen, 1987 Ding Mao which clashes the Xin Resource removing the Hai with the Hai Mao Wei combination would have been disastrous. * 1987 net worth: $1.25 billion*
Trey explained in his blog why it is such a good chart.
Both Wealth and Seal are the Useful Gods.
Quote Trey “a weak DM that is supported by useful Seal also indicates affection.”


Master Shen in ZPZQ always stress on the following:
·        遂成大贵,亦以其有力也。
·        Very good grade and with power.
What does that means?
When the Yong Shen is strong and the DM is also strong, the chart is considered good grade and powerful.
The Wealth Yong Shen is very strong. It is not damaged.
The Resource Yong Shen is rooted in the 2 Xu which is also the Resource.
The DM has strong root in Hai and is supported by the Xin Resource.

In this case the Yong Shen was damaged at various times during different Luck Periods but seems to be unaffected.
What makes this chart so resilient?

Shen Sha.

The Bing is the Yue De Gui Ren. It is next to the DM in the Month HS and is in Guan Dai Qi phase which is quite strong. Is this the reason for this being such a good chart?


Would anyone be able to recognize this Chart as the wealthiest person in the world without knowing who the chart owner is?
There are many who claim they can but I wonder if it is Horse after Canon.
Like me doing an analysis after knowing the fact.
Maybe there is another person with a similar birthdate living in poverty in Africa.


William Henry "Bill" Gates III (born October 28, 1955) is an American business magnate, investor, programmer, inventor and philanthropist. Gates is the former chief executive and current chairman of Microsoft, the world’s largest personal-computer software company, which he co-founded with Paul Allen.

American computer millionaire, the richest man in the world in the '90s. His company, Microsoft, went public in 1986. By 1991 he was worth some $4.4 billion, No.3 on Forbes' 1991 list of richest Americans.

Correct Birth Hour. 
Just to be sure that it is Hai hour.

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