Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Resource - Yuan Hai ZiPing


Resource 綬》

What is Resource? The element which produce/birth the self.
Saying : “With Officer without Resource, not considered as real Officer; With Resource without Officer, will not be fortunate.”
Comment: Officer and Resource are considered as auspicious God. With both of them together, the Officer can produce the Resource while the Resource can protect the Officer against Hurting Officer/Eating God. It is most auspicious to see both in the chart.
Why is that so?
All living things needs support in order to grow,
For the million things to be created, otherwise how is it possible;
The DM is considered wise and generous.
Comment: This is referring to a DM with Direct Resource Structure. As compared to say an Indirect Resource Structure who is more cunning and not so straight forward.

Resource fear Wealth the most denoting the wealth being tied up.
Comment: Resource fear Wealth.
From ZPZQ:
However, if the Useful God Resource is light and the Wealth (protrusion) is heavy, in addition without Rob Wealth to control the Wealth (rescue Resource from Wealth).
The Wealth can break the Resource Structure.
Such a Bazi chart belongs to a poor and lowly person.
The reason with Officer in the natal chart going through Officer luck period is considered auspicious. The officer able to support/birth the self; only fear Wealth, which can damage the self.

When Resource is favorable, able to benefit from the parent and inheritance the wealth from the father, with a stable and peaceful life;
Comment: Resource being the useful god also represents being close to parents, able to gain benefit from parent, especially in terms of inheritance.
Meeting further in the chart, with numerous Resource considered as upper grade chart.
Comment: This is referring to a Resource Structure which is deemed upper grade when the Resource is numerous/prosperous.
However it is important to differentiate the useful elements for Luck Period when Resource is very heavy. From ZPZQ:
For Resource Structure applied with Officer Structure, if Direct Officer protrudes and Resource is heavy, Wealth 10-Year Luck Pillar will instead become favourable.
Hurting Officer or Eating God 10-Year Luck Pillar; also very favourable.

The DM will be healthy with less illness, able to “eat and drink”.

Or if with strong wealth in the chart becoming prosperous from Resource, (the wealth) will stay for a long time.

Even though prefers Officer/7K, but with too many Officers/Ghosts establishing a chart structure, it can’t be decoded as pure Resource.

Like Jia Yi DM born in Hai Zi month, Bing Ding DM born in Yin Mao month, Wu and ji earth born in the Si and Wu month, Geng and Xi born in the Chen and Xu month, Ren and Gui born in the Shen and You month, the rest similarly discussed.
The worst is when the Resource is in the Death and Repose Qi phase; or encountering luck period when the Resource is in the Qi phase of Death and Repose; denoting the person not having any possession when entering the yellow spring (death).

The term “Resource’, the one who birth/produce the self, the name related to “Sheng” growth.
Yang Meeting Yin, Yin meeting Yang, considered as Direct Resource;
Yang Meeting Yang, Yin meeting Yin, considered as Indirect Resource.
Good to have Officer star to birth/produce the Resource, dislike Wealth which cause damage to the Resource.

Like Jia DM born in the month of Hai Zi, water as Resource, dislike fire HO, dislike earth to damage the Resource, must be in supportive luck period, afraid to be in the Death and Repose Qi phase period; if during Death Repose Qi phase period, or being damaged (by earth), danger sign.

People with resource are wise, not often sick for the whole life, able to have the ample and handsome meal. Will be able to enjoy money and good fortune;
When considering other matters, using abundant Resource is still applicable.

It is the most unfavorable when meeting the prosperous wealth, which will result sluggish and "submerge".

If the officer and 7 killings is abundant, or the chart is established, it can’t be discussed as pure Resource.

It is the best to have Resource in the Month or Hour Pillar; However, it is most important in the Month.

With Sheng Qi in the Month Pillar, obtained help from the Parent;
With Sheng Qi in the Year Pillar, obtained help from ancestors.
With Sheng Qi in the Hour Pillar, obtained help from the children, living a long life, having a good life during old age.
*Sheng Qi is growing Qi.

With Resource in the chart, it is necessary to have Officer star, termed as Officer Resource complete, considered as noble chart.

When the useful god “Officer” is not strong, it is good to use Resource;
The worst is having Wealth in the natal chart or during Wealth luck period which damages the Resource.

When the Resource is damaged, the family will be destroyed and the DM will leave the house;
Further with Death and Repose luck period, will be demoted or lose the job, will also die prematurely.


Gui DM born in the 7th month (after the main Qi), Month and Hour Pillar are both Gen Shen, sitting on metal store, establishing the Resource Structure.
With Wu earth Officer star protruding in the Year Pillar, considered as Officer Resource both complete, a very noble chart.
(Comment: 中气之后 after the middle Qi. In the month of Shen, the HHS are Ji/Wu, Ren and Geng. The Geng HHS is after the middle Qi. Therefore this is referring to the DHHS which is Geng at this time to establish the chart structure.)



This chart uses Gui as Resource, the Resource is prosperous; With no Wealth to assist, it is not a good grade chart. Cannot be very rich.


Wu DM using Ding as the Resource. It is favorable to have Yin Wu Xu fire San He;
Not compatible with the prosperous Ren Zi water in the Hour Pillar, the Wealth is able to clash the Resource. As a result losing the sight. (Blinded)
The Sheng Qi (Resource) is Bing, Ding which is dependent on wood.


The Resource for this chart is Mao wood, the Officer is Gui water. Mao located in the Year Pillar, Chen located in the Day Pillar, termed Officer Resource both complete. Capable and distinct during young age.
Until the age of 42, 43, during Gui Hai luck period, it is not bad;
During Geng Shen year, water 7K birth in Cheng Sheng Qi phase in Shen, the Geng Shen damaging the Resource, inauspicious.

1 comment:

  1. Very good article about the resources. Congratulations !
