Thursday, September 12, 2013

12 Earthly Branches

Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, Hai.

There are 12 Earthly Branches which are as follows:
Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, Hai.
It is also reflected in the 12 months of the year and the 12 hours of the day.
There are four animals in a Bazi chart.
Each reflecting a specific characteristic.
The popular yearly animal Bazi reading by contemporary Masters centers around the Year Pillar. There are books which uses the Month Pillar and some uses the Day Pillar.

What is the correct way to read the 4 Earthly Branches in a Bazi chart?
The Heaven Stems of a chart are sometimes referred to as the Heaven’s luck.
The EB as the earth’s luck.
The HHS as the Man’s luck.
What is the significance of the EBs?
Unlike the HS which focus on interaction between the five elements, the interactions for the EB are more complex, such as punishment, harm, destruction, Liu He combination, San Hui combination and San He combination on top of the clashes.
It represents earthly interactions which are interactions which occur on earth with other humans.

EB interactions.

Another very important question on EB interaction is the way the EB interact.

Multiple interactions.

Can the EB have multiple interactions or can it only have a single interaction?
There are some who teaches that EB can only have a single interaction which follows very strict requirements on the position. For example for combination the EB must be next to each other. Also there can only be one interaction.
There are some who teaches that EB interaction has no such requirements. There can be any numbers of interactions.
ZPZQ shows that there can be multiple interactions happening at the same time, but the interaction will affect the strength of the other interactions. Such as reducing the effect or increasing the effect.


Is there a sequence?
Is the sequence based on time?
Would the interactions between external EB such as from the LP or from the AP follow a time frame?
Example the external EB interacting with the Year EB then the month EB followed by the Day and the Hour EB.

5 and 5 years – 6 months and 6 months.

There are some masters who says that the interaction of the EB only occurs the second half of the Pillar be it LP or AP.
There are some who says that the EB starts at the beginning of the AP or LP but at a slower pace but last longer.


Is there a priority that the interaction follows?
For example in most Bazi book, San Hui combination is often described as having the highest priority. Which will override the other interactions which are lower in priority.
·        There are some who teaches that the 4 Cardinal clashes have the highest priority. The clashes between Zi, Wu, Mao, You.
·        The Blind man explained that the highest priority is Liu He which to them is the combination between husband and wife.
·        ZPZQ places the highest priority on San Hui combination and Liu He is very low in priority.


What are the rules for transformation?
Is there such as thing as transformation?
Does all the EB change to the transformed element?
What happens to the HHS?
·        There are some Masters who does not use any rules. Everything can transform.
·        There are some Masters who uses very strict rules. Using the Season(Month) and HS as transformation catalyst.
·        According to ZPZQ, San He, Ban He can affect the HS. San Hui in a small way. Liu He not at all. ZPZQ stresses not so much on the transformation but on how the EB interactions affect the HS.

The significant of Punishment, Harm, Destruction.

·        Some Masters says there is no such thing as punishment. It is just an interaction between the 5 elements.
o   ZPZQ: 至于三刑取义,姑且阙 疑,
o   It is still an open question with regards to the explanations (theory) behind the punishment relationships.
o   虽不知其所以然,于命理亦无害也。
o   However, these relationships are harmless when applied in Destiny analysis.
·        Some teaches the importance of all the interactions, including the directions of the interactions. The strength of the interactions. The auspiciousness of the interactions.
·        Some just uses it as an indicate for general luck. Example having punishment is an inauspicious matter.
o   ZPZQ: 八字支中,刑冲俱非美事,
o   It is unfavourable (not ideal) if the earthly branches in the natal chart are clashing or punishing each other.

EB interaction should be one of the most interesting ways to do Bazi reading, especially when it is so complex.

Who is right and who is wrong?

Every Masters and their students would tell you that they have the right answer.
They would also say that they have done thousands of chart analysis and the theories are all proven and tested.
I wonder sometimes who really knows what they are talking about and who are actually kidding themselves.
The attached translation of the Earthly Branch from the classic “Di Tian Sui” have been described by some to be inaccurate.

Quote” 生方怕动库宜开,败地逢冲仔细推

Growth direction fear movement, store appropriate to open, failed land meeting clashes to analyze in detail.”
There are many who would say this is not correct.
·        The failed land which are Zi, Wu, Mao, You are the worst to meet with clashes. There is nothing to look in detail.
·        The growth direction, the Yima are considered by many to be auspicious to be clashed to activate movement.
·        The tomb/storehouse should only be clashed if earth element is favored.
It is interesting to note that some of the classics are actually considered as rubbish or not so accurate by some Masters.
I had a discussion recently with a fellow Bazi researcher who asked me if the tomb/storehouse should be clashed to release the stored Qi/HHS inside.
Di Tian Sui here says it should be clashed to release the stored Qi/HHS.
ZPZQ says otherwise.
It is such an important matter for the case that we were studying.
Which is the correct theory?
Otherwise Bazi reading can become a study with no answer.
Might as well not do any reading.

Characteristic of the 12 Earthly Branches:

Based on the animal signs.
Why are the animal signs used for the EB?
Is there a correlation with the behaviors of the real animal?
Which particular animal reflects the person, the year, the month, the day or the hour EB?

Year EB – In-built personality.

I notice a certain tendencies of people based on the year of the animal.
There seems to be more aggressive people who are born in Tiger year.
People born in the year of the rabbit seems more accommodating, not trouble maker.
It reflects the in-built personality. With influences from the family. The family traits.
If the year EB reflects the general in-built behavior, what does the other EB represent?

Month EB – Behavior adopted.

For Bazi analysis, the month represents the personality type adopted by the DM, the behavioral tendencies. The behavior adopted to handle others. The negotiation tactic, communication style, methodology adopted to handle situations.

Day EB – Inner self.

Is the Day EB the actual personality of the person? The real character. The real inner person. The real I. How the person would behave if not for the influences of the year and the month. It is perhaps hidden away, not fully expressed externally.
When the person is at its peak with confidence, this is perhaps the personality which will be revealed. It is also the determination level of the person and also the self-control.
Chou the OX would be the strongest in determination and self control.

Hour EB – Type based on the time of day.

Animal behave differently at various time of the day. Day time Tigers are normally more docile than Tigers at night who are alert, sharp and ready to hunt. Chou the Ox at night would not be as determined as the Ox during the day. A night rat would be very much better at hunting.

The Spring months: Yin Mao Chen.

Yin (tiger): Wood element, competitive/aggressive and hard working.
·        Impulsive, active, love freedom, hardworking life, cannot sit still.
·        Not easily pleased, like to be boss. Ambitious, cheerful and kind. Self-expectation is high, a perfectionist. Capable and willing to do, not afraid of toughness, calm, does not avoid responsibilities, can fight alone, high capability. Like to be pretty, can’t be controlled.
·        Strong handling ability. Tend to lost confidence when under stress, sometimes could hurt themselves.
·        They often have strong eagerness to start something, but will tend to lose the staying power after some time.
·        They are egoistic, stubborn, unable to accept criticism.
·        Those born in Yin month are suitable to do sales and marketing job.


·        Can’t rest and like to work, feel uneasy when they are too free.
·        Like being the boss, bad temper, but do not like long-winded.
·        Soft-hearted, benevolent, will agree to do something as well as requested to do so.
·        Enjoy good food, like to eat meat, sense of responsibility and leadership, will certainly achieve the target once set.
·        Big appetite, like to invest in big business.
·        Hate to be deceived, easily get mad when cheated.
·        Act quickly, don’t like to ask questions, so often lack of communication, difficult to succeed.

Mao (Rabbit): Wood element, strong sexual stamina.
·        Smart, perfectionist. Full of urge to do things but cunning and changeable.
·        Very good at people’s skill, tend to have lovers, smart, restless, strong self-protective abilities.
·        Doesn’t look old easily, calm, like to keep clean, kind hearted.
·        Can only accept success but can’t face failure.
·        Easily have good beginning but no end in doing things. Strong sixth sense. Sharp at instinct.
·        Men born in year of rabbits are great pretender able to change according to situations, doesn’t easily admit that they are wrong even if they really are.
·        Easily involved in office relationship. Like romantic, good relationship with opposite sex especially in work.
·        Women whom are born in rabbit year are generally kind, but they can be pretender sometimes in order to protect themselves.


·        Sharp eyes, ignore peoples they don’t like, high taste.
·        They like clean, like to move about their things at home
·        Like to complete their task at one time, don like to be interrupt halfway
·        Soft-hearted, fussy, sociable, self-protective, soft, calculative.

Chen (Dragon): Earth element with wood Qi, elusive personality, loner.
·        Like to lead, proud of themselves, ambitious, like to flatter, powerful, prone to relationships.
·        Fast changeable thinking, lots of idea, smart.
·        Mostly take pride of themselves, like to be respected, liked to hear pleasant comments, high taste, unrealistic.
·        Ever-changing personality, often gives people mysterious feeling
·        Most dragon women are more changeable than the men, their thinking is not easily detected.
·        Great fate, often turn the danger to good, multi-talent, easily achieve things, but have the tendency to get spiritual cleanliness.
·        Good partner in business, kind and helpful friend to have.


·        Don’t like to be controlled, like to lead, like to foot the bill every time.
·        Disappear unknowingly, doesn’t say goodbye when they decide to leave, tend to do things halfway, love freedom, artistic.
·        Firm in their decision and thinking, stubborn, 6-sense, lots of idea, and straight to the point.
·        Like to talk with no actions.

The Summer months: Si Wu Wei.

Si (Snake): Fire element, attentive and smart.
·        Like to chat and debate, does not admit defeat, good at debating and lawsuit.
·        Like to research, strong analytical skills, look cool from outside but friendly at inner side, tend to talk more in front of peoples they like.
·        Cold personalities, like to debate, suspicious.
·        Calm, high taste, look far, good at number-related things, smart in handling their wealth, good role in business.
·        Suitable to do business
·        Snake women have a mysterious power.
·        Attentive, smart, very firm in their decision, hard to control. Can forgive easily. Strong ability to live independently.


·        Calm, good speech, like to talk and talk very fast, but quiet at ordinary time, sociable, rush personalities.
·        Very friendly to peoples they know, can talk a lot, but being quiet to peoples they can’t get along, tend to give up easily when they face problems, no patience.
·        Able to show their talent perfectly if given chance. Talk non stop.
·        Marketing expert
·        Likes to win - competitive.
·        Not straight forward in speech and doing things, like to twist around

Wu (Horse): Fire element, honest, straight personalities, brave.
·        Like to win, emotional, revengeful. Easily irritable, tend to be trapped. Hardworking, restless, honest, straightforward, kind heart.
·        Bad temper, brave, friendly to friends, like to flatter.
·        Cheerful, sociable, unpredictable character; can differentiate good and bad, tend to draw unwanted troubles.
·        Open-minded and characters, like freedom, hot temper and often get nothing as a result of losing patience, but will get success as they get older if they can control their emotion.
·        Male born in horse year have good relationship with opposite sex, but can be isolated in the job they are doing.
·        Women born in horse year are very tomboy, brave, restless, and tend to nag when they get older.


·        Like to win, doesn’t admit lose, extremist. Like to listen to compliment, self-indulgence, like to be pretty.
·        Like to be praised, if properly asked for, they can do and provide everything
·        Tend to lost temper if triggered, and easily moved by peoples. Easily get headache.
·        Easily get love relationships, girls mostly pretty and love water, sociable
·        Like to win, strong pride, inferior, don’t like to be commented.
·        Good sixth sense, like to do complete things soon before deadline, but tend to be lost once they met urgent matters

Wei (sheep): Earth and Fire element, like to stand out, but independent.
·        Kind hearted, take appearance importantly, do things carefully.
·        Very obedient to parents but don’t know how to express it, inferior, very particular at outlook, stubborn and fussy, detail-oriented, hot-temper.
·        Like to leads, but have to follow other people’s lead in order to success.
·        Loyal in love, Men whom are born in year of goat are mostly smart and like to show off.


·        Detail-oriented, stubborn, firm in their stand.
·        Obedient, don’t like other peoples or their partner to comment their parents, very emotional, not secure feels.
·        Like to check peoples movement, like to dig out past, inferior, has the leading ability but can’t express it.
·        Firm in their stand when they met problems, like peoples to agree with them but never express their feelings.
·        When other peoples fail to follow their way, they will try to change the other’s mind by asking them various questions until they come to an agreement on his thinking.

The Autumn months: Shen You Xu.

Shen (monkey): Metal element, smarter than extraordinary.
·        Restless and full of energy, kind, restless.
·        Good at imitation, good learning ability but always give up half way, no patience.
·        Cunning, like to take short cut.
·        Observant, attentive, smart, capable but lack of stability.
·        Likes attention, but good at relationship with opposite sex.
·        Seek attention most of the time, men born in year of monkey tend to be feminine.


·        Impatience, straightforward, not cunning.
·        Sharp at talking, fast speech, always hurt people unknowingly, like to talk straight to the point.
·        Great learning ability, restless, take friends importantly, good imitation skills.
·        Take note on small details, do things perfectly.

You (Rooster): Metal element, greedy, grabbed everything available, nosy.
·        There is no momentum in working, pessimist. 
·        Like to mind other people’s business, impatience and sometimes have a split personality.
·        Kind and helpful, active, take important of their own benefits.
·        Possess a good sense of beauty, confident, pride, materialistic, likes to be complimented.
·        Strong 6th sense.
·        Men born in the year of rooster will tend to have multiple relationships, very good with opposite sex.
·        Women born in year of rooster are generally nosy, like to decide for other people, like to mind people’s business, but sociable and feeling oriented.


·        Nosy, over kind, once requested, they will abandon their own work just to help others, but always get no appreciation in return and end up being sad by themselves.
·        Don’t know how to reject people’s request. Kind, serious in doing things, but lack of consideration when talking.
·        Mad, can’t keep secret, mind people’s feeling, but tend to spread rumors very fast.
·        Will help people to the end.
·        Will drink until they satisfied, or don’t drink at all.

Xu (dog):  Earth element, good personality, likes to take care of other people.
·        Like to lead, easily come out with ideas, reckless and straightforward; tend to do things that shock peoples, loyal, do things accordingly.
·        Loyalty, good at keeping promise, kind, stubborn, emotional, good friend and good colleagues.
·        Differentiate well between good and bad, very careful, very wary, don’t easily trust peoples.
·        Normally appear to be master of the 5 elements, good at studying metaphysics.
·        Good rewards, always have noble peoples to help turning the bad to good. Easily earn money, not very difficult to get money but don’t have proper way of handling money.
·        Optimistic and positive, not good at hiding their personalities and secret, like to take care of others.
·        Sometimes tend to have unchangeable habits. Obstinate, always involved in single love, or fallen in love until losing their mind.


·        For people whom had helped them a lot, they will reward them double. Very loyal
·        Strong self-pride and self-esteem, cant even allows people to criticize their idols.
·        Don’t trust fate, stubborn, lots of ideas, hard to communicate, tend to extravaganza, take care of family.
·        Traditional and not flexible, always follow the old ways and hard to change, strong inner sense of themselves.
·        Loyal, but also tend to backstabbing.

The Winter months: Hai Zi Chou.

Hai (pig): Water element, very loyal in love until not able to think straight.
·        Very wise, emphasis heavily on principles, not easy to communicate with, and often keep matters in themselves.
·        Appear to be fortitude, vulnerable in heart, conflict in personal, not well understood.
·        Good at using others, always magnify other people’s power, master in business.
·        Good use of others, to magnify its own power, in order to master the business.
·        Is very sensible, but often will examine very deeply, and sometimes very "barbarians", and is unreasonable.
·        Eloquent, good at debate.
·        Unique taste, enterprising.
·        Very good appetite, not picky at food.
·        Great pretender.


·        Self-punishment is serious (especially no Eating God or Hurting Officer), especially on kids (can’t stimulate them with word or they can becomes extreme).
·        Fussy, perfectionist.
·        Quiet, Yi Hai and Ding Hai will hope to get a quiet partner in marriage as well
·        Tend to be quiet without stage, but will express themselves well if given chances, talk nonstop
·        Not picky at food, can eat anything. Smart and understanding.
·        One Hai tend to be understanding, but 2 Hai will be hysterical.
·        Tendency to nag.

Zi (mouse): Water, smart, good at calculating.
·        Know how to protect themselves, extremely changeable personality, difficult to figure out.
·        Too calculative and as a result could lost the bigger picture due to small advantages, smart but often being misused.
·        Alert, sly, smart, change the mind easily, do things without completion.
·        Slow in making decisions, and lost a lot of opportunities due to indecisiveness.
·        Rats born at night live comfortably, while Rats born during the day is vulnerable to endure hardship and caught within the toughness.


·        Often facing dilemma in making decision, indecisive, changing mind over and over again.
·        Very intelligent, responsive, regret after doing something, and also regret if not done something.
·        These people have to learn to train themselves to not regret after making a decision which will make their life easier. They are coward and highly sensitive.
·        Change the mind easily within the same day, difficult to have a fixed decision.

Chou (Ox): Earth, born to be kind, and full of endurance.
·        Kind hearted personality and have good endurance, prefer stability, hoping for a place to settle down.
·        Hardworking, diligent and realistic.
·        Hot temper, persistence, and stubborn.
·        Ability to endure suffering, hidden strength,
·        Particularly sensitive and fast-learner in the field of astrology and feng shui.
·        Highly detail-oriented, develop more courage with more obstructions.


·        Highly detail-oriented, firm, serious, like to ask questions.
·        Likes to talk about the past whether good or bad, like to trace people’s movement and dig old incidence.
·        Prone to nagging; hot temper, stubborn, hardworking.
·        Slow in learning, but persistent, will not give up learning until they master it, not easily moved.
·        Strong self-awareness, self-centered, hence tends to do things out of their abilities.

Di Tian Sui on Earthly Branch.


Earthly Branch.


Yang Branches movement is strong, the arrival of disaster or good luck will be fast and prominent.


Yin Branches is still but focused, the result can last for the whole year.

Original text:
Zi, Yin, Chen, Wu, Shen, Xu, Yang Branches, natural to move, strong power, the speed is fast (growth), disaster or good luck arrive prominently;
Chou, Mao, Si, Wei, You, Hai, Yin Branches, natural to be still, the Qi is focused, the speed is slow (growth), it appears at the beginning of the year but the result will only manifest at the end of the year.

Ren comment:
Earthly Branches can be divided into Yang from Zi to Si, Yin from Wu to Hai,
Or considered Yang born from Winter, Yin born from Summer;
Also some considered Yin Wood to Wei as Yang, Shen to Chou as Yin,
Can also consider Wood Fire as Yang, Metal Water as Yin.
Destiny reader uses Zi, Yin, Chen, Wu, Shen, Xu as Yang,
Chou, Mao, Si, Wei, Hai as Yin,
Or Zi from Gui, Wu from Ding, the body is Yang but the application is Yin.
Si from Bing, Hai from Ren, the body is Yin but application is Yang.
Use separatedly, using the theory of hard, soft, to strengthen, to follow, no difference from the HS,
But the growing, countering, control, transform, the logic is many and varied, due to some Branches with 2 HS, some with 3 HS.
The main Qi is the host, Yin will have Jia first followed by Bing,
Shen will have Geng first followed by Ren, the same for the other branches.
Yang Branches movement is strong, the experience of the auspiciousness is fast,
Yin Branches is still and weak, the arrival of disaster or good fortune is slower,
It has the same effect  for Luck Pillar and Annual Pillar.


Growth direction fear movement, store appropriate to open, failure land meeting clashes to analyze in detail.

Original text:
Yin, Shen, Si, Hai, the four growth direction, hates clashes and movement;
Chen, Xu, Chou, Wei, the four store, appropriate to be open.
Zi, Wu, Mao, You, the four failed land, when meeting combination likes to be clash, unlike the four growth directions which must not be clashed; when meeting clash likes to be combined, unlike the storage lands which likes to be opened. To analyse in details.

Original text in simple Chinese:
Yin, Shen, Si, Hai, represent the four Chang Sheng for wood, fire, metal and water.
Chen, Xu, Chou, Wei, represent the four storage for wood, fire, metal and water.
Zi, Wu, Mao, You, represent the central Qi of wood, fire, metal, water, also referred to as the four failed land. (Also the four Cardinal)
The land of the four Chang Sheng, most scared of meeting clash, the four storage land, most happy to meet clash.
Only the central Qi, when meeting combination, likes to be clashed, or when meeting clash, likes to be combined.
Unlike the four Chang Sheng EB (Yin Shen Si Hai), always likes to meet combination, or the four tomb (Chen Xu Chou Wei) which always lieks to meet clash.

Ren comment:
Old saying; Metal Water can clash Wood Fire, Wood Fire cannot clash Metal Water, this is only applicable when discussing HS, not necessary for EB.
Due to the mixed Qi in EB, other Qi are hidden inside the EB.
Must study the power of the Qi, why Wood Fire cannot clash Metal Water?
The growth directions dislike movement, both suffers damage.
If Yin Shen meets clash, the Geng metal inside Shen, counter the Jia wood inside Yin, the Bing inside Yin, not necessary will not counter the Geng metal inside Shen.
The Ren water inside Shen, counter the Bing fire inside Yin, Wu earth inside Yin, not necessary will not clash the Ren water inside Shen.
So the battle and countering continues.
Store appropriate to open, also sometimes appropriate sometimes inappropriate, important to study the miscellaneous Qi.
The failed land encounter clashes to study carefully, Zi, Wu, Mao, You, the pure Qi, can be clash with Metal Water, cannot be clashed by Wood Fire.
Must use a flexible method, cannot depend on just one.
Supposing using Metal Water in Spring and Summer, when Metal Water is in prison and resting, the power of Wood and Fire is very prosperous, why cant the Metal and Water be damaged.
Should investigate carefully.


Clash is the most important consideration for EB, punishment and harm will not necessary cause movement.

Original text:
Clashes represent ke/counter, for clashes involving the 4 storage will involved movement;
For punishment and harm, it can involve producing, combining, therefore it does not necessary means movement.

Clashes involving EB represents HS countering, must observe the strength and weakness, the favorable and unfavorable aspect to discuss further.
For the clashes involving the 4 storage, can also be good or bad,
For Chen 3rd month, when Yi DHHS is in command, meeting Xu clash, denotes the Xin inside Xu, is able to damage the Yi wood;
For Wei 6th month, when Ding DHHS is in command, meeting Chou clash, denotes the Gui inside chou, is able to damage the Ding fire.
Chen 3rd month when Yi DHHS in command, Wei 6th month when Ding DHHS in command, although considered as retreating Qi, if it is the dominant Qi, indeed can still be used, when clashed will be damaged, becomes insufficient for use.
To comment that clashes will make tomb/store (the earth EB) prosperous, is a mistake or is absurd.
Mu, meaning of Tomb/graveyard.
Store, the storehouse of the roots of wood, fire, metal and water.
For instance a Tomb which obtains Qi, before opening is already prosperous and fortunate.
For wood, fire, metal, water HS, without Yin, Mao, Si, Wu, Shen, You, Hai, Zi in the EB which represent the prosperous Lu (strong roots), will depends on Chen, Xu, Chou, Wei for rooting. When clashed it represent disturbances to the roots. Before clashes and movement, it is considered as prosperous due to the rooting provided.
If Dominat Qi is not used, with earth as favorable god, when clashed it is useful (no harm), it happens as a result of earth movement.
Comment: When earth is favorable, earth clashes will increase the earth Qi, therefore it is considered good.
The meaning of punishment cannot be determined. Example Hai punish Hai, Chen punish Chen, You punish You, Wu punish Wu, considered as self punishment, same EB meeting, same Elemental Qi involves, why considered as punishment?
Zi punish Mao, Mao punish Zi, it represent producing cycle, why considered as punishment?
Xu punish Wei, Wei punish Chou, both are earth elemental Qi, definitedly not punishment.
Yin punish Si, represent producing cycle, Yin Shen punishment, represent clashes why further classified as punishment?
further classifying Zi Mao as one punishment, Yin Si Shen as two punishment, Chou Xu Wei as three punishment, thereby calling it the 3 punishment, and adding self punishment,
These are all incorrect and should not be used.

Pierce also harm, the 6 harms are derived from 6 combination. It clashes with the element that combines with me, that’s the derivation of harm. Example Zi combines with Chou but clashed by Wei, Chou combines with Zi but clashed by Wu.
The harm of Zi Wei, represent countering/ke, the Harm of Chou, Wu, Yin, Hai, represent producing cycle, why is it considered harm?
Moreover, Punishment is already considered not adequate as a basis/fundamental. The meaning of Harm is also a forced interpretation.
Always discuss on producing and countering;
to establish the real meaning, not from punishment or harm;
Not categorized from the classics, no harm to disregard.


Hidden clashes and combinations especially auspicious, when other clash me the clash will be launched.
Original text:
A pillar without any lacking in the structure, obtained many hidden clashes and combination, clashed the hidden god to combine with the hidden god, even better than clashing and combining openly.
Zi clashing Wu, with Yin and Xu San Hui Wu in the chart.
In such a scenario where the Zi clashing the Wu. With Yin and Xu in the chart which creates Yin Wu Xu Seasonal Combination, the Zi is clashing against the combination.
The Day represent me, the key point (month pillar) as the other;
The key point (month pillar) represent me, Year and hour as the other;
the four pillar as me, the luck pillar as other;
The luck pillar as me, the year and month as other;
Example I am Yin and the other is Shen, Shen can counter Yin, denotes other clash me;
I am Zi and the other is Wu, Zi can counter Wu, denotes I clash the other. Denotes clashing arises.

Ren comment:
Clashes between EB, is not a good thing, eventhough there are many defective/flawed Bazi, very few well balanced Bazi chart.
When wood and fire is prosperous, the metal and water will diminish;
When metal and water is prosperous, the wood and fire will diminish.
If the prosperous and surplus is clashed away or the weak and insuffivent is assited, it is considered wonderful.
If the clash is not in the natal chart, meeting hidden clashes during LP or AP is a good thing.
When the illness received a good dosage of medicine it can recover.
There is a difference between me clashing others and others clashing me, also whether it is clashing in or clashing out.
Me and others, not differentiated by the Year and Hour as others, Day and Month as Me, or the natal chart as Me, the LP and Ap as others. It should be favorable gods as Me, unfavorable gods as others.
Example favorable god is Wu, being clashed by Zi, considered others clashing Me, it is auspicious to have a Yin Xu Seasonal combination to assist;
Favorable god represent Zi being clashed by Wu, represent Me clashing others, inauspicious to have Yin Xu Seasonal combination to assist.
If the favorable god is Zi, with Shen obtaining Chen forming seasonal combination is auspicious;
If favorable god is Hai, obtaining Wei and Mao combining away is inauspicious.
It is acceptable for me to clash others, but not for others to clash me.
I clash other, considered clashes arises;
Others clashing me, considered not arise.
The clashes of fire and water is as such, others to use same reasoning.


Prosperous clashes with the weak, the weak will be pulled out,
Weak clashes with the prosperous, the prosperous will become stronger.

Original text:
Zi prosperous an Wu weak, due to the clash the Wu is not able to withstand;
Zi weak and Wu prosperous, due to the clash the Wu will become even more prosperous which is auspicious. Applies to other similar analogy.

Ren comment: the clashes between the 12 EB, the clashes in the Hidden Heavenly Stem. When it is in the original natal chart, it is considered as open clashes. When it happens between the Luck Period or the Annual Pillar, it is considered as hidden clash.
The element in season clashing the weaker element will withdraw, the element not in season clashing the prosperous will not create any damage.
The one clashing with power, able to destroy, destroying unfavorable god is auspicious, destroying favorable god is inauspicious.
When the one clashing is weak, but due to it aggravating the unfavorable god, it can create misfortune, when aggravating a favorable god will be create misfortune but will also not be harvesting any fortune.
Example for Wu fire DM, or the favorable god is Wu fire, in the EB there is either Yin, Mao, Si, Wei, Xu, (which are supportive of the fire element), Zi clashing the Wu is considered as weak clashing prosperous, no injury;
DM Wu fire, or Wu fire as favorable god, in the EB there is either Shen, You, Hai, Zi, (weakening the fire element), Zi clashing the Wu is considered as proeperous clashing the weak, destroying the fire element. The rest to analyse using the same logic.
Also t consider that the Zi, Wu, Mao, You, Yin, Shen, Si, Hai clash are strong, Chen, Xu, Chou, Wei clash are weak.
Example, Zi clashing with Wu fire, inside the Zi, the Gui clashing the Ding inside the Wu, when the Wu fire is prosperous and in command, without metal in the chart but with wood support, the Wu can clash the Zi.
Mao clashing with You, the Xin inside the You clashing with the Yi wood inside the Mao, when the Mao is prosperous and in command, with fire in the natal chart without earth support, the Mao can clash the You;
Yin wood clashing Shen, the Jia wood and Bing fire inside Yin wood being countered by the Geng and Ren inside the Shen, when the Yin is prosperous and in command, with fire in the natal chart, the Yin can clash the Shen;
Si Hai clash, the Bing fire and Wu earth inside Si being countered by the Jia and Ren inside Yin wood, when Si is prosperous and in command, with wood support in the natal chart, the Si can clash the Hai;
Must first analyse the strength of the elements involved, further checking for support in the natal chart, whether supporting the clash, or helping to reduce, consider the overall picture, checking the favorable or unfavorable situation, to be able to deduce if it is auspicious or inauspicious.
For clashes among the brothers of the four storage, the hidden elements involved, by checking the four pillars, to know if the elements involved becomes active.
The elements in the natal chart, without being extracted out, the commanding month officer is not concerned, being clashed was not damaged, being combined becomes useful making it auspicious.
The method of analysis is the same for natal chart and LP/AP.

Dominant Hidden HS - Yuan Hai ZiPing

HS & EB hidden secret poem

《论 诀》

In the study of Bazi, the Dominant HHS is supposed to be a very important consideration. There are many schools which totally discard this system.
It is stated very clearly in Yuan Hai ZiPing and other classics the dominant HHS at different time of the year.
For example for Chen, Yi wood which is the left over Qi for Spring is dominant for the first 10 days followed by 8 days for Gui the in tomb Qi for Water. The Wu earth is dominant for the remaining days of the month.

Dominant Hidden Heavenly Stem.

What does being dominant means?
Does that mean the HS is actually active and will interact with other DHHS or with other HS in the chart?
While the other HHS will just be root for the HS and not active.
Can the DHHS interact with the HS of the same pillar, like combination between HS and DHHS?




Mao Rabbit

Mao rabbit palace Yi wood alone come across,
JingZhe 6th to 20th March, Yi wood not yet useful,
ChunFen Spring Equinox 21st March to 4th April, Yi wood is central,
6th to 20th March – 15 days – Jia Wood
21st March to 4th April – 15 days - Yi Wood

Chen Dragon

Chen dragon hides Yi wood, Wu earth with 3 parts Gui,
QingMing 5th to 19th April, Yi wood governs for the first 10 days, later 8 days rules by Gui water,
GuYu 20th April to 4th May, first 3 Wu earth flourish, within earth strength need detailed analysis,




Si Snake

Inside Si snake, Geng metal, Bing fire, Wu earth congregate,
LiXia 5th to 20th May, let Wu earth take over, XiaoMan 21st May to 5th June, Wu fire over Bing fire bright,

Wu Horse

Wu horse palace, Ding fire together with Ji earth,
MangZhong 6th to 20th June, Ji earth is excellent, stop in the middle 7 days earth increasing,
XiaZhi 21st June to 6th July, Yin produce Yang positive benefit, Bing Ding fire prosperous increasing the earth,

Wei Goat

Wei goat palace, Yi wood, Ji earth and Ding fire same gang,
XianShu 7th to 22nd July, 10 days Ding fire prosperous, later for 3 days the Yi wood is fragrant,
Ji earth 3 days is magnificent, DaShu 23rd July to 6th August, Ji earth yellow for 10 days,




Shen Monkey

Shen monkey place, Geng metal, Ren water and Wu earth,
LiQiu 7th to 22nd August, Ren water sweeling,
ChuShu 23rd August to 7th September, 15 Geng metal excellent,

You Rooster

You rooster palace, Xin metal alone appearing prosperous,
BaiLu 8th to 22nd September, 7 days Geng metal prosperous, for 8 days Xin metal Qi only,

Xu Dog

Xu dog palace, Xin metal, Ding fire and Wu earth,
Hanlu 8th to 22nd October, 7 days governs by Xin metal, 8 days Ding fire and water descend,
ShuangJiang 23rd October to 6th November, Ji earth for 15 days, no harm in obtaining the mixed Qi within,




Hai Pig

Hai pig hidden Ren and Jia is the real track.
LiDong 7th to 21st November, for 7 days Gui water prosperous, Ren water for 8 days flows even more rapidly,
XiaoXue 22nd November to 6th December, 7 days Ren water in a hurry, for 8 days Jia wood fragrant,

Zi Rat

Inside Zi rat palace, located Gui water,
DaXue 7th to 21st December, governs by Ren water for 7 days,  
DongZhi 22nd December to 5th January, Gui water even more powerful,

Chou Ox

Chou ox,  Gui water, Xin metal, Ji earth together,
XiaoHan 6th to 19th January, Gui water growing for 7 days, 8 days Xin metal Chou store,
Dahan 20th January to 3rd February Ji earth prosperous,

Researcher meticulously study in detail.

1 comment:

  1. Hello
    does the characteristics of each earth branches apllies on the several relationships over the pilars?
