Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Yang House Case Study No.1

ShenShi Xuan Kong

Yang House Case Study No.1 with Zhang Zhong Shan.
沈氏与章仲山 (阳宅秘断)

一、陶姓宅丑山未向 五运造

Tao residence – Sitting Chou Facing Wei – Period 5 chart.


In the facing, there is a broken house with water.
Door is located at Xun, in front there is a three intersecting water.
Water from Dui going towards Xun gathering in front of the door.


(章仲山)Zhang Zhong Shan
After staying in this house, auspicious for wealth, the timely star is located at the facing.
During period 6 and 7, the one who is ill will often see female ghost.
Due to the jagged looking house in front of the facing.
The facing with a ruin and jagged looking building.
Yang Qi shelter.
The color of the vital Qi dominate the disaster in the house.
Dark, cold represent Yin dead Qi.
Therefore when the timeliness of the Qi is over, 2nd being a Yin gua, 5 as 5 ghosts.
The reason why the one who is ill often seeing female ghost.


Period 5 Sitting Chou and Facing Wei represent prosperous mountain and prosperous facing, auspicious for both Health and Wealth.
This example is used to illustrate the following:
·       Li Qi must be activated by Luan Tao, otherwise it is not active.
·       Timeliness is the key to Xuan Kong Flying Star. A star can be auspicious during a certain period and can change as a result of time.
·       An understanding of the representation of the Gua is important for further analysis.
During period 5 having water at the facing flowing from Dui to Xun is auspcicious for wealth.
The door at Xun with untimely water star 3 is not the main factor. It is actually the facing which is most important.
Even with the broken house in front of the facing, it is stated that the house is auspicious for wealth.
With the arrival of period 6 and 7, the number 5 star is considered as a retreating and dead star.
From an auspicious star in period 5, it is now an inauspicious star.
Number 5 star also represent sickness.
The broken house in Luan Tao represent excessive Yin energy. Other examples of Yin energy ware given such as cold and dark.
The broken house is located in the direction of Kun which represents old female.
An overall image is then given as the one who is ill often seeing female ghost.
The one who is ill has 2 meaning.
·       This house due to the inauspicious Qi is not good for health for the occupants.
·       The bad Qi affects people who are ill (not in good luck cycle) more than people who are in good luck cycle.

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