Tuesday, February 18, 2014

“Flying Star” is actually “Flying aeroplane”

“Flying aeroplane” in hokkien means being taken for a ride.
The reason why I should not be posting any more articles.
I Will be cursed and swear by many, I am sure.

Everything as proposed by Jiang Da Hong for Flying Star shows how he actually misinterpreted the classics.
Also shows that he is not a student or a disciple of the school.
What school are we referring to?
Feng Shui school based on the teaching of杨筠松Yang Jun-Song.

Quote Vincent Loh, “Can.. we have so many professionals out there. They don't need to know everything. As JY says in his seminar, you buy a car, you don't need to know how the engine mechanism works. You just need to know how to drive it. Those interested can then research further. So you happen to go into understanding the mechanism. The rest are just happy driving their cars.
About how people are happy just to fly the star.
The problem is actually there are no stars to fly.
There are no cars to drive.
Someone is selling fake imaginary cars and we have people driving fake imaginary cars in their mind.
I was also sold a car and was driving around with an imaginary car for quite a number of years.
I started reading the manual and was surprised it was a translation by a Japanese.
I searched for the original Chinese Manual, studied it and realized that it was a big “aeroplane”.
We were all taken for a ride.
But if you dare to say anything, you will be sure to be bombarded by everyone.

How to fly the stars.
I also learned how to fly the stars and this is the notes that I got from a so called “Flying Star Master”.

For a Period 8 house facing Wei, the Water Star is 5 and the Mountain Star is 2.
Place the Water Star in the Central Palace on the right and the Mountain Star in the Central Palace on the left.

Flying the Water Stars and the Mountain Stars.

To fly the stars it is necessary to determine the following:
·        The number of the star.
·        The sector within the Trigram – Sector 1, 2 or 3.

Based on the Luo Shu grid, the four Cardinal Directions are Odd:
1 North, 3 East, 9 South and 7 West.
For Odd number which is 1, 3, 7, & 9, the movement is forward for positive and backward for negative.

Based on the Luo Shu Grid, the four corners are Even:
2 SW, 4 SE, 6 NW and 8 NE.
For Even number which is 2, 4, 6 & 8, the movement is also forward for positive and backward for negative.

For a Period 8 house facing Wei, the Water Star is 5 which is Odd and is + for 1st Sector and the Mountain Star is 2 which is Even and is – for 1st Sector.
The Water Stars will fly forward and the Mountain Stars will fly backward.

From Li Ding Xin.



Commentary by Li Ding Xin.

River East the first Gua.
River West the second Gua.
South North as one Gua making it the third Guas.


李定信 – Li Ding Xin
Comment: Li Din Xin here saying that Jiang Da Hong is making a big mistake.
Comment: Explaining that the 8 gods means the 8 Guas (BaGua) which is not correct. The text clearly says the 24 Mountains in charge of the 3 Guas.
River East, River West and South North as the 3 Guas.

River East Gua referring to the Eastern Guas being,
Chou, Gen, Yin, Jia, Mao, Yi, Chen and Xun.
The 8 gods.

River West Gua referring to the Western Guas being,
Wei, Kun, Shen, Geng, You, Xin, Xu and Qian.
The 8 gods.

South half being Si, Bing, Wu and Ding.
North half being Hai, Ren, Zi and Gui.
South with 4 and North with 4 making it 8 gods altogether.

Comment: All along in Tian Yi Jing天玉经, Master Yang Jun-Sung is trying to show the meaning of 72 dragons. Instead Jiang Da Hong interpreted it as Flying Star and wrote a few books on how to fly the star.

From Jiang Da Hong.
天玉内传, 即青囊奥语, 挨星五行, 玄空大卦之理.
杨公妙用, 止有一法, 更无二门, 此乃反复其词, 以授曾安公者也.
江南江北江东江西, 曾序已先下注脚矣.
但南北东西, 应有四卦;而此云三卦者, 缘玄空五行, 八卦排来, 止有三卦故也.

江东一卦者, 卦起于西, 所谓江西龙去望江东, 故曰江东也.
Comment: He is not able to explain what is the meaning of River East.
八神, 即八卦之中, 经四位而起父母, 故曰八神.
Comment: Here he commented that 8 gods is actually the 8 Gua (Bagua), which shows that he has no idea what he is talking about.
四个, 言八神之中历四位也.
Comment: His explanation of 4 being the 4 positions which is again rubbish.
一者, 此一卦只管一卦之事, 不能兼通他卦也.
Comment: His explanation that 1 is referring to one Gua in charge of one Gua.

江西一卦者, 卦起于东, 反而言之, 即谓江东龙去望江西亦可, 故曰江西也.
亦于八卦之中, 经四位而起父母, 则亦曰八神, 四个二者, 此一卦兼管二卦之事, 而不能全收三卦也.
比如坎至巽, 乃第四位, 巽至兑, 亦第四位;八卦之中各经四卦, 故曰八神四个也.
南北八神考, 乃江北一卦, 所谓江南龙来江北望也.
不云四个者, 此卦突然自起, 不经位数, 与东西两卦不同也.
八神共一卦者, 此卦包含三卦, 总该八神, 又非八神四个二之比也.
夫此东西南北三卦, 有一卦止得一卦之用者, 有一卦兼得二卦之用者, 有一卦尽得三卦之用者, 此谓玄空大卦秘密宝藏, 非真传正授, 断不能洞悉其妙旨也.

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