Sunday, October 6, 2013

Yong Shen the USeful God.

How to determine Yong Shen the Useful God?

What is actually the Yong Shen?
According to ZPZQ:
·        八字用神,
·        To locate the Yong Shen for Bazi.
·        专求月令,
·        Should focused on the Month Commander.
·        以日干配月令地支,
·        Determine from the DM matching the Month Earthly Branch.
This is saying that the Yong Shen can be found in the month earthly branch but in relation to the Day Master.
A pictorial method to visualize the theory of Yong Shen.
There are ten different categorizes of Heavenly Stems.
Each of them to visualize as a country.
The country of Jia people.
The country of Bing people.
Imagine there is an emperor who rules the country who is located in the Month Earthly Branch who is called the Yong Shen.
The Emperor’s characteristic is also very clearly defined based on any the Ten God.
The Emperor could be Resource, 7K, Direct Officer, Yang Ren, Wealth, etc.
It is very clearly defined the likes and dislikes of each of the character.
For example, Officer Emperor hates to be clashed. Likes to be supported.
The reason being the Officer Emperor is like the monarch or the elder in a family. Who should be respected.
·        正官者分所当尊,如在国有君,在家有亲,刑冲破害,以下犯上,乌乎可乎?
Direct Officer is to be treated as an elder. Similar to a King for a country, the elder for a family. Punishment, clash, destruction and harm are punishing the elder from below. How can that be allowed.
However for a 7K Emperor, the likes and dislikes are very different.
·        而大贵之格,多存七煞。盖控制得宜,
For a noble 7K chart structure, it is the best to be controlled.
Here it is stated that directly opposite to Direct Officer, it is good to clash the 7K emperor.
Once the Useful God the Emperor is determine, it is then important to search for the Prime Minister and his assistants.
It is also important to determine if there is an opposition party who is against the Emperor.
It is much more important to locate the Prime Minister and his team rather than just knowing who is the Emperor.
Identifying the Emperor is a very straight forward matter.
Knowing who is actually running the country is the key to understanding Bazi.

ZPZQ 用神成败:

The success and failure of the Yong Shen.

This could be visualized whether the Emperor can rule the country.
According to ZPZQ it is termed establishing the chart structure.
When the chart structure is established, the country is at peace and the people will be happy.
When the chart structure is not established, the country could be at war and life will not be as smooth for everyone living in the country.
One of the most important key to having an establish chart is to have a good Prime Minister. There are times when the Prime Minister is not available in the chart and the Day Master will have to wait for certain LP for the Prime Minister to be establish.
Only with a good Prime Minister can a chart be established.
There will be charts which has a good prime Minister. But during certain Luck Period, the PM is actually removed.

Modern Method:

·        Balancing the chart - 扶抑
The modern method of balancing the DM without knowing who is the Emperor and who is the Prime Minister is not what Bazi is about.
It is a very distorted method.
However once the Emperor and Prime Minister is established, it is very important to know the strength of the DM to see what is good for the DM.
For those who say the strength of DM is not important is also not correct.

Adjust the temperature - 调候

This is a very very important consideration in Bazi analysis.
It is like having a country with an Emperor and Prime Minister but the country is in draught. Even with a good Prime Minister it is still of no use. There is no food to feed the nation.
This is always the most important factor.
When this is the case, a new Prime Minister is required. Just for temperature correction. Even if it is not good for the Emperor.

The Prime Minister.

Who is the Prime Minister and where is he located?
The Prime Minister is always located in the Heavenly Stem and not in the Earthly Branch.
The role of the Earthly Branch is to support or to object but the EB can never be the Prime Minister.
It can however be an invisible Prime Minister created by the EB interaction if the PM is not in the HS.
The role of the EB with the HS is also a very misunderstood subject.
The HS interacts with the HS.
The EB interacts with the EB.
Can the HS interact with the EB?
Not directly but can be in terms of support.

The Opposition Leader.

Who is he?
·        Cure illness - 病药
The modern method of illness in a chart can be visualize as a powerful Opposition Leader in the chart.
When there is an illness it is important to cure the illness.
Meaning the removal of the opposition leader.
When the Opposition Leader is strong, the Emperor cannot rule the country properly.

Shen Sha Yong Shen.

There are many people who says Shen Sha is rubbish.
Shen Sha Yong Shen is very important.
It is similar to the Temperature Yong Shen.
Even with a chart which is not establish there are many times when the DM is actually doing quite well just with the support of Good Shen Sha.
Similarly an established chart can be destabilized by an inauspicious Shen Sha.

Nayin Yong Shen.

Also an important consideration normally disregarded by many.

Different layers of Yong Shen.

Someone wrote in a blog that it is important to consider the country of birth of the person to do life analysis.
For example in some countries where the women are prosecuted and with no rights, reading the chart would need to take into consideration such factors.
He gave an example of a woman stoned to death in a country for adultery whereas in another country the woman gets to keep half of everything belonging to the couple.
It is I believe the same for all the different Yong Shen in the different layers of a Bazi.
But the most important key is not to take only one consideration but to know the effect of the other Yong Shen.
Rather than jumping to another calendar system when things does not look quite right or does not match real life events.


  1. Very good article.

  2. Bro can analyze this chart?
    0730hrs (am) 26-nov-1974 male.
    little confused, is it HO birth wealth chart with metal and earth favorable and water / wood unfavorable? Some say too much wood aka wealth means fire is danger to DM but some say climate regulating needs fire so is fire favorable or unfavorable? There is void in month which HS and EB both have clashes, combination, harms etc. Entering LP of Mao causing entire EB of natal chart to wooden structure will cause 4 pillars to collapse is it? This chart is poor or got chance for riches as some masters say better a weak chart hitting good LP and some say better a stable strong natal chart. Please advice.

  3. I like the analogy of Useful God as the Emperor, the Minister God as the Prime Minister and the draught represents the wrong climate. I think it's very relevant. It's a comprehensible way to explain these concepts to non-classical BaZi enthusiasts.

    Thumbs up!
