Thursday, September 26, 2013

Heavenly Stem

Strength of HS.

In the modern Bazi system of analyzing strength of the HS, the season is always treated as the most important criteria. There are several methods employed by various masters/schools. It is one of the most fascinating subject in Bazi.

Month Commander.


The DM born in the month commander.
For Jia and Yi born in Yin and Mao month.
For Bing and Ding born in Si and Wu month.
For Geng and Xin born in Shen and You month.
For Ren and Gui born in Hai and Zi month.
This method only focus on the two most prosperous months. Other months are not considered.
This method places the highest importance to the month.

Seasonal Stregth.

Based on the season with a grading system. 衰旺
Based on the month/season, there are 5 different strength categories:
In Prison


Yin Mao Month
Wood             Prosperous
Fire                 Supportive
Water             Rest
Metal             In Prison
Earth              Death


Si Wu Month
Fire                 Prosperous
Earth              Supportive
Wood             Rest
Water             In Prison
Metal             Death


Shen You Month
Metal             Prosperous
Water             Supportive
Earth              Rest
Fire                 In Prison
Wood             Death


Hai Zi Month
Water             Prosperous
Wood             Supportive
Metal             Rest
Earth              In Prison
Fire                 Death

Earth Month

Earth              Prosperous
Metal             Supportive
Fire                 Rest
Wood             In Prison
Water             Death

Dominant Hidden Heavenly Stem.

The strength of the DHHS based on the day of the month.

Yuan Hai ZiPing

HS & EB hidden secret poem

《论 诀》

Yin Tiger

Yin tiger palace Jia wood at the same time with Bing fire and Wu earth,
Lichun 4th February to 5th March, remember to use 3 Bing fire, remaining days Jia wood prosperous and in command,   

Mao Rabbit

Mao rabbit palace Yi wood alone come across,
JingZhe 6th to 20th March, Yi wood not yet useful,
ChunFen Spring Equinox 21st March to 4th April, Yi wood is central,
6th to 20th March – 15 days – Jia Wood
21st March to 4th April – 15 days - Yi Wood

Chen Dragon

Chen dragon hides Yi wood, Wu earth with 3 parts Gui,
QingMing 5th to 19th April, Yi wood governs for the first 10 days, later 8 days rules by Gui water,
GuYu 20th April to 4th May, first 3 Wu earth flourish, within earth strength need detailed analysis.
This method treats the DHHS as the most important rather than all the HHS as carrying the same weight.

Master Shen’s method.

Master Shen in ZPZQ explained that the season is not the most important criteria. It is in fact the root which should be considered when analyzing the strength of the HS, not the season.
The other important factor is the location of the root. In ZPZQ’s method, the root can be in any of the pillar. There is no need to consider the distant of the root unlike the modern system.
It also relies heavily on the 12 Chang Sheng Qi phase method to determine the strength of the root.

12 Chang Sheng Qi phase strength:

Strong root: 长生禄旺

Chang Sheng, Di Wang, Guan Dai, Lin Guan (also called Jianlu).

Strength based on the Earth EB.

The strength of the Tomb/Storehouse are also important consideration.
These are the four earth EB, Chen, Xu, Chou, Wei.
Chen being the water tomb, Xu being the fire tomb, Chou being the metal tomb and Wei being the wood tomb.
Inside the tomb EB, there are three Hidden Heavenly Stem, namely the Earth HHS, the Tomb HHS and the Left over Qi HHS.
For example inside Chen there is Wu, Yi and Gui. Gui being the tomb HHS, Yi being the left over Qi from Spring.

The reason the roots are considered the most important factors in Bazi analysis is the emphasis based on the 10 god protruded in the HS.
When the HS are being attacked, it is stated that with root it is able to withstand the onslaught. Without root it will be damaged easily.

Zi Ping Zheng Qing


Chapter 6:  The Strength of Heavenly Stems.

Discussing the 10 HS: obtaining the season but not prosperous and losing the season but not weak.

Classic: Obtaining the time/season is considered prosperous.
Out of time/season is considered weak.
Even though there is such a logic, it is a dead method.
Should use a dynamic method to observe.

If the HS are not in season, but the Year or Hour provides ‘Lu Shen’ or ‘Prosperous’ Qi phase, how can it be considered as weak?
Comment: Every Pillar can provide the strength to the HS, not just the month.

Autumn wood even though is considered weak, but with deep roots the wood is considered as strong.

Other rules for the support from other HS.
Obtaining one Bi Jian is not the as good as having one tomb/store in the EB.
Like Jia meeting Wei, Bing meeting Xu.
For Yi meeting Xu, Ding meeting Chou is not discussed in the same manner.
The reason being the there is no wood hidden inside Xu, no fire hidden inside Chou.

Obtaining two Bi Jian, is not as good as having one left over qi.
Like Yi meeting Chen, Ding meeting Wei.

Obtaining three Bi jian, is not as good as having one Chang Sheng, Lu or Prosperous Qi.
Like Jia meeting Hai, Zi, Yin, Mao.


  1. it makes sense cause season is diferente in S Hemisphere.

  2. And if season is importante then we must bear in mind someone born in Spain in Winter is like being born in Spring in northern europe

  3. The four seasons determine how the environment changes with time in a year. At different places the change is different not only between the two hemispheres. If we replace the names of the seasons by something else without changing the branches for the months, then it will be ok. The month branch does not change based on the latitude. It may be moved forward or backward due to longitude because of the use of solar time.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Seasonal Stregth in the ancient classics refers to cosmical seasons (solar terms of the 24 JieQi), not geographical seasons (spring, autumn, summer, winter). Near the Equator only one season exists - does it mean that Bazi works only with Fire there? Around the artics, forever Winter exists - does it mean that Bazi works only with Water there? How about the rainy seasons, dry seasons etc.? It is unreasonable to consider climatic conditions for 12 Life Stages.

    Wood during Mao Rabbit month will be 旺 Prosperous all over the globe, regardless of hemispheres or other climatic conditions.

    However, geographical seasons, local climate may affect this, but that will not change Bazi chart upside down (i.e. Metal will not be prosperous in Mao Rabbit month on the Southern Hemisphere).

    Where the local climatic conditions (seasons) are so hot or cold, the qi of the month might be less or more effective than where the seasons are 'normal'. For example in the Southern Hemisphere, the Winter is warmer and is during Fire months (May-June-July), less 'winterish'. During the Water months (Hai-Zi-Chou), there is Summer on the Southern Hemisphere - so Water qi of Hai/Zi/Chou month will be less effective in the birth charts compared to those who were born on Scandinavia. But the Water in the chart will not change into Fire or vice versa...

  6. hi all, i would like to know the strength for earth month is legit? Based on joey yap books there is no earth month, otherwise earth month would all share the same qi? Chen is in spring, wei is in summer, xu in autumn and chou in winter. So which is which?

  7. Hi,
    I follow Master Shen method from Zi Ping Zhen Qing.

    If the HS are not in season, but the Year or Hour provides ‘Lu Shen’ or ‘Prosperous’ Qi phase, how can it be considered as weak?
    Comment: Every Pillar can provide the strength to the HS, not just the month.

    The strength of the HS is based on the Qi phase which is the rooting.
    The month or the season is not the most important criteria.

    The most important is to have strong rooting such as Chang Sheng, Lin Guan Officer or Di Wang Qi phase.

  8. hi

    Master Shen method uses the 12 stage Q . For example Ding is ChangSheng at rooster and yet Ding is not rooted since there no ding fire in rooster. so is this ding strong or weak

