Monday, January 28, 2013

Direct Resource Discussion

Direct Resource from San Ming Tung Hui.
Direct Resource, the real storehouse of the 5 elements, metal DM meeting Yi Chou (Gold in the Sea), Wood DM meeting Gui Wei (Wood of a Willow Tree), fire DM meeting Jia Xu (Fire of a Volcano), water earth DM meeting Ren Chen (Water form a Big River), Bing Chen (Earth of a Grave).
(Comment: the real Resource of the 5 element based on Nayin is using the same element as the HS.)
When looking at the strength of an element, our focus is mostly on the HS, EB and the month commander.
Very seldom we would check the Nayin for the strength or for other EB interaction where Nayin can play a big role.
Yi Hai “Fire from Volcano” meeting Ren Chen “Water from a Big River”, the water Nayin ke/control the fire Nayin. Normally we would treat Ren Chen as Resource which is supportive of the Yi wood.
Bing or Ding DM meeting Jia Xu which is "Fire from Volcano". The Jia is a resource for the fire DM but the Jia Xu is a fire Nayin which furthers support the fire DM. Considered as double support.
Geng Xu meeting Yi Chou "Gold in the Sea", the metal Nayin supporting the Geng metal DM, the Chou punishing the Xu is not ideal. It is like not having any support.
"Gold in the Sea" is the first phase of metal Nayin. It is still very weak and can only provide minimum support.

Jia Zi, Yi Chou........................Gold in the Sea
Yin Yang Qi still hidden. Only hear of the name cant see the shape yet. Like still in the womb of the mother.

When discussing Resource, with the 5 elements matching the Nayin similar elemental Qi, is the most wonderful.

Direct Resource 三命通会

Direct Resource, the real storehouse of the 5 elements, metal DM meeting Yi Chou (Gold in the Sea), Wood DM meeting Gui Wei (Wood of a Willow Tree), fire DM meeting Jia Xu (Fire of a Volcano), water earth DM meeting Ren Chen (Water form a Big River), Bing Chen (Earth of a Grave).
(Comment: the real Resource of the 5 element based on Nayin is using the same element as the HS.)

Stated: “with Direct Resource in the natal chart, will reach destiny of success (fame & wealth).”

Stated: “With blessing from 5 elements, achieve great success like having 5 minister departments.”

Thus Direct Resource is considered good luck and noble.

Same value as the DM considered as upper, the emperor’s seat is middle, conception month is lower.

Honest, loyal and with good health, achieve great success & fame.

With Resource (Nayin) further aided by noble chart structure, will be perfect.

Similar to wood obtaining water, fire obtaining wood, with extra indicating wealth from power/authority.

If the DM ke/control the Resource, or the Resource ke/control the DM, will become successful from failure.

If Water DM obtaining fire Resource, fire DM obtaining water Resource, needs the DM’s own Resource, for the DM to be prosperous, considered auspicious.

When ke/control with no rescue, or Kong Wang, will be contended like a monk, with nothing for people to remember.

With pure Qi in the 5 elements, a person of great talent; but encountering Sha/Killing will be poor and lowly.

With the support from Nobleman, like Bing Ding fire DM with Jia Xu as Direct Resource, with support from You Hai, You Hai being the Tian Yi Gui Ren of Bing Ding;
Ren Gui DM with Ren Chen as Direct Resource, with support from Mao Si, Mao Si being the Tian Yi Gui Ren of Ren Gui.
(Comment: Jia Xu is “Fire from Volcano” Nayin supporting the fire DM; Ren Chen is “Water of a Big River” Nayin supporting the water DM.)

With Hua Gai as the Resource, like Hai Mao Wei obtaining Gui Wei.

With Resource in paper only (no value), such as Wu Yin meeting Gui Wei, Xin Si meeting Jia Xu, Geng Shen meeting Yi Chou, Gui Hai meeting Bing Chen, Yi Hai meeting Ren Chen, with Nayin ke/control the self, the HS being doubly overpowered.
Wu Yin “Fortress/Rampart Earth” meeting Gui Wei “Wood of Willow Tree”, the Nayin wood ke/control the earth DM as well as the earth Nayin;
Xin Si “White Wax Gold” meeting Jia Xu “Fire from Volcano”, the Nayin fire ke/control the metal DM as well as the metal nayin;
Geng Shen “Wood of Pomegranate Tree” meeting Yi Chou “Gold in the Sea”, the Nayin metal ke/control wood Nayin;
Gui Hai “Ocean Water” meeting Bing Chen “Earth of a Grave”, the earth Nayin ke/control the water DM as well as the water Nayin;
Yi Hai “Fire from Volcano” meeting Ren Chen “Water from a Big River”, the water Nayin ke/control the fire Nayin.)

Wu Wu with Gui Wei, Geng Zi with Yi Chou, Ding You with Ren Chen, Ji Mao with Shen Xu, Xin You with Bing Chen, HS being ke/control, EB being combined.

When the Resource is in store/tomb, with support making it prosperous, like with Lu Ma Nobleman, a noble chart.
(Comment: in “store/tomb” meaning earth EB or in tomb 12 Chang Sheng Qi phase, Lu Ma is Shiganlu and Yima, nobleman could be Tian Yi, Tian De, Yue De.)

Inauspicious to meet with punishment, clash, destruction and Harm, meeting ghost with San He or Liu He, like Jia Xu DM obtaining Gui You Hour Pillar, will reduce the strength.
(Comment: Jia obtaining Gui as Resource, You Xu is a Metal partial San Hui which can reduce the power of wood.)

Water DM obtaining Resource (Nayin) is not beneficial (Ren Chen “Water from a Big River”;
With wood Resource will decrease in energy (Gui Wei “Wood of a Wllow Tree”);
With earth Resource, EB and HS with interaction, named Officer Resource, without interaction, named Ghost Resource. (Bing Chen “Earth of a Grave”;

Also a “Gathering prosperity Resource”, like Year, Month, Day, Hour, Conception, located in weak and failed Qi phase, obtaining the support from Direct/Indirect Resource, the Resource is prosperous or in storage, even with Sha (countering), which is controlled, termed as “gathering prosperity Resource”.

Resource with disaster gathering, like Gui Si meeting Ren Chen Resource, meeting numerous water in the chart,

Resource with destroying fortune creating disaster, like water DM obtaining water Resource, or Month, Day, Hour with numerous earth, Resource (Nayin) meeting ghost, termed as “Resource with destroying fortune creating disaster”.

Resource with Shen Sha, meeting noble Shen Sha, like Ren Zi meeting Ren Chen, Bing Chen, Zi being the Hua Gai star (noble), Ren DM meeting Chen is a noble chart.

Or if the Resource ke/control the DM, there will be no fortunate God available, it is termed as carrying Sha/Killing, inauspicious for the DM.

Resource with emptiness, where the Resource is in kong Wang, without any Liu He in the EB, even with noble Officer, will not be successful.

Resource with punishment, like Geng Xu meeting Yi Chou (Gold in the Sea), metal DM meeting metal resource (Nayin) is good, but due to the Chou Xu punishment, metal punishing metal, it is like not having any support. Even if there is some benefit it is lowly. (Of little value)

When discussing Resource, with the 5 elements matching the Nayin similar elemental Qi, is the most wonderful.

But the DM is seldom at ease or comfortable, not beneficial to the families, difficult for the children.

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