Friday, June 1, 2012

Ten God - Direct Resource



心性               Temperament

kindness, not after fame and wealth, care on self-reputation, spiritual or, religion believes, bit of naïve in thoughts & not down to earth.

psychologically depending

If emphasize too much on fame or too dependent, will fall into evil path like fraud or cheat, bribe & graft.

正印心性, 聪颖仁慈, 淡薄名利, 逆来顺受, 但易流于庸碌, 缺乏进取, 反为迟钝消极
Psychological character, intelligent & kind, not after fame , take & follow orders , not ambitious & lack of aggressiveness , become incompetent & passive.


性格               Personality

Resource is the stamp of the officer in charge in the authority, symbol of power.

Represent culture, intellectual, knowledge, cultivation

Resource is the bodyguard, refer to own  mother or sometimes father.

Resource which is a useful god is not allowed to get damaged, especially when DM is weak.
Prosperous wealth damaging resource harm the mother, self will also be in bad health.

Direct resource represent people who are kind, joyous, people with empathy, hospitality, gives people a warm feeling and someone who values friendship.

For a Direct resource person who is ambitious, the person is smart and intelligent, knowledgeable but not outspoken and does not like to show off. Normally Direct resource person are not too ambitious and aggressive unless other 10 gods like 7K are combined.

The strength of a Direct Resource person is the ability to think, and is alert and react promptly and appropriately according to circumstances.

Good look & average in physical built, healthy look & calm, most of life live in health, no major sickness.

For female with resource as favorable god, will get married with husband of her dream choice,
Resource in the chart represent religious & spirituality in life.


代表               Representation

People representation:  agreement & contract, indictment, unit, office, house, article, subject, certificate, school, invention, job title, fame, advertisement, message, notice, arts, stamping, investment etc.

十神闡微 -杨逸云

十神的含义         Implied Meaning


Psychological Implied Meaning

Psychology of Direct Resource: those that aids me to grow and have  good relationship with me.

Meaning: dedicated, loving, not after fame or reward, humble & responsible, hardworking, mediator or consensual, follow majority, no own judgment , high dependency on people, mainly due to too much adoring from parent.

Peaceful life with good luck, no pressure in life, thus can easily become lazy, pressure is an honor gift for Direct Resource because it will strengthen one self by unremitting self improvement.

As Direct Resource destroys hurting officer, thus, Direct Resource can simplify the complexity, like to sort out, create harmony for those alike, normalize matter, lack of finesse or careful detail, not after fame, no active mind, stable & repetitive, lack of emotion, sense, expression, easily get satisfied, dull look, trustful, no own judgment, good-manner, kind

The mixture of above psychology behaviors will get: tolerance, patience, believe on spirits & religious.

Representation of human, matter & thing fro Direct Resource:
mother, food in digestion, inhaling of air, elderly who nurture & recommend you, house, teacher who taught you.


Non Psychological Implied Meaning

Power, status, career, backer, backstage support, mainstream art, academic star, famous literature.

Mother is the resource, an official without resource means no power, money represents official seal.

Direct Resource favorable, like to donate & do charity, smart & knowledgeable, good health, stable & trustful, has both academic & skills (can survive in any place in any field.

With wealth luck , will have fame, but reputation is not good.

When appear in the HS with prosperous wealth, with hurting officer, at the same time going through resource luck period, during this period  even though there is wealth to control the resource, will be famous, but the reputation is not good.

7K birth Resource –a chart name, but not as famous as HO with Resource, due to the requirement for the DM to also have resource Luck period for it to be good, HO combine with 7K requires Yang Ren to assist.

Strong Direct Resource will have many people to depends on, however too many will caused one to fall down instead of can be strongly depend/rely on.

Direct Resource if too strong, means like to be praised & fawn upon, most are stingy, will not bring luck to own kids, but when fall onto good  luck time, will bring good luck to kids.
Prosperous DM with many Resource during wealth luck period represent wealth,
Weak DM weak resource, during wealth luck period will cause turbulence in career, losing job, or losing patron.

女命财克印,财能制服印,则此女与公婆不合 (制不住印不算);
Female with wealth control Resource, wealth is able to control resource, will have conflict with parents-in-law,
DR on Chang Sheng, mother will be kind & long life.
DR on Muyu, will have dramatic change in career journey, but good for male in career.
Weak DR on Shuai(weak), parents is poor, not wealthy family.
 DR on Sickness, Death, Tomb, Jue Qi Phase, born in family of below average.

HS Direct Resource sitting on wealth, troubled by sickness, end up lost of job , symbol of conflict with wife or mother.

例:乙酉月,丙日,财克印较有力, 逢岁运为酉时,
Example: Yi You month, Bing DM, wealth control resource, with You hour pillar,
Without the help of 7Killing, as represented above.

HS Direct Resource sitting on Officer, prosperous and successful.

Direct Resource sitting on 7 Killing, Sha and Resource mutually growing, trustful, honest & loyal.

Direct Resource on Indirect Resource, lack of determination & judgment, also means strong dependency on other, too much pampered.

Direct Resource on Direct Resource, over confidence, easily fail as a result.

Direct Resource sitting on Hurting Officer, conflict with mother, (Direct Resource as the mother, Hurting as the children, being the reason that the mother and son not close.)

Direct Resource in Year Pillar and favorable, born in rich family, & if no conflict with other bad God, will be good in academy during young)

Month HS as Resource, kind & empathy, smart & healthy, Direct Resource has close link with art, thus art drives intelligence.

Month pillar with Resource and no Wealth, good in academic.

Month EB Direct Resource and Day EB clash, cause poor or pessimistic/lonely life to family of mother.

Direct Resource on Day EB, spouse is kind & empathy, thus bring luck or aid to spouse.

Resource at Hour Pillar, kids are smart, thus also are filial.

(Direct Resource on Yang Ren, mother is a bad temper person, health also poor,  on Yang Ren, will have Yang Ren character, on Hua Gai, will be smart but a loner.

Direct Resource on Yima, not together with parents.

Direct Resource on TianYi GuiRen, mother is smart & capable, a loyal to career person (could be good a housewife.

Direct Resource on TianDe YueDe GuiRen, mother is kind, loving & no temper.

Prosperous DM with lots of resource, image of hurting the husband.
Husband will be poor health with sickness, sign of predecease, might be on son as well.

Rob Wealth prosperous ke/control husband ……not a gentle woman, poses rough characters, bring bad luck to husband.

 With Officer and 7K, complicated life & bring bad luck to husband.

Too much resource will bring bad luck to husband, own life also very complicating & chaos.

Direct Resource meeting Direct Officer as favorable, most are born in rich family or with pretty look.

DR meeting Tian Yue De GuiRen, smart & capable wife.


用法               Usage

Hurting Officer with resource.
Hurting Officer is straight & not hypocrite, smart & talented, has courage.
Direct Resource mainly is to sacrifice for unity, calm down the daring & uncompromising of Hurting Officer, then talents & courage will able to excel.

正官加正印; 适合当公务员. 正官约身引善, 循规蹈矩; 正印善良奉献加在一起利于公众事业。
Direct Officer with Direct Resource, suitable to be in civil service, because Direct Resource attract good things, make everything in orders.
(kindness plus Direct Resource will bring benefit to society in the career)

正印特点; 耐心倾听别人的倾诉,
食神愿意付出, 喜奉献, 温文尔雅.
在社会准则中, 循规蹈矩, 但难以发财。
Direct Resource with Eating God, suitable to be a teacher,
special character of Direct Resource; being a good listener & patience,
with the presence of Eating God will be a god manner person, obey the law & order, also means very hard to get rich.


正印相信人, 容易受骗上当.
Direct resource people trust others and are gullible. Easily to be cheated by others as a result.


奉献. 爱心. 不计功名利禄, 吃苦耐劳忍辱负重. 缓冲调剂是正印之象. 此想表现在身弱需生时。
They are caring people who will give and not for name or fame.
They are also hardworking and able to withstand hardship to complete a task.
This is especially so for a weak DM.

DR too strong

正印过旺时, 是依赖性强因而无主见,显示出来是平安有福气, 因为有生我的故没有压力因而易流于懒惰. 此象表现在身中和有比劫且生身有力时, 做事没有进取心。
Direct Resource too strong will show over dependency & no own judgment, indicating a peaceful & prosperous life, & become lazy because no pressure in life, not ambitious in doing things.

Representation of Direct Resource: mother, food that brings me life, elderly who nurtures/help me, house, teacher who teach me in learning.

DR too strong

Direct Resource too strong causes over dependency, Eating God too strong will cause one to loose much (on wealth), thus trigger the sensitiveness in one, & consequently causes one to work hard & fight for success.

Weak Resource

Weak resource star means no backer’s support, no stable career, mother predecease sign.

No Resource

If BA ZI does not have Direct Resource, means one is not meant for study, cannot memorize information from book, always do last minutes revision for exam, not a person in academy unless got Eating God or Hurting Officer.

No Resource

If BAZI does not have resources, hate to take medicine even if sick.
长辈助力甚少, 男女在家呆不住, 与长辈原缘薄父母约束多之故.
女命婚后, 与公婆关系不融恰. 难作人, 是非多. 不做表面缓和工作, 不会去奉承公婆。
Seldom received aid/recommendation from elderly, either male or female is not home-type person, does not have much interaction & communication with parents due to tight restrictions from parents.  Female after married, can’t get along with parent-in-law, lots of gossip, don’t know how to please in-law because dislike to pretend & tolerate.

十神分析          Analysis

六亲方面, 代表长辈, 贵人, 师长, 男命代表母亲, 女命代表祖父, 女婿.
Relation with relatives, represent elder, nobleman, superior, for male represent the mother, for female represent the grandfather, son in law.

正印为用神, 则此人聪明慈慧, 一生少祸害, 如果有官必廉明高节, 名正言顺, 确实掌握实权, 且此人大多心地仁慈, 禀性淡泊。
Direct Resource as Yong Shen, such person is smart & intelligent, less unfortunate matters along life, if one hold a title in authority, this officer will be a clean & honest one, hold the right of justice, kind & generous.

财星重实务, 印星好唯心, 重感情, 用心人, 是故学业高, 滋身聪明, 德才兼备, 嗜好读书, 知识渊博。
Wealth star place importance on practical, Resource star represent kind hearted, value brotherhood, attentive, good in academic & spiritual studies, intelligent, good moral with talent, loves to read and attain knowledge.

DR+ many

正印多主文书, 文明, 文化, 宗教, 教育, 自然, 真理, 心脑, 发明的趋向。
Direct Resource mainly influenced by academy, civilization, culture, religion, education, nature, ideology, intellectual, & creativity.

Strong Resource

如果印星太旺,  原局食伤或财星太弱,  缺乏食伤泄秀, 乃表示智慧晚开,  领悟力较差,  表示学业不太理想, 个性过于忠厚老实。
If Direct Resource too strong, lack of influence from EG/HO or Wealth Star will cause late emergence of intellectual, slow in understanding, which mean not  quite success in academy, too honest & frank, easy get cheated)

如果行运走到食神伤官的话,就能把上述的缺点减弱,  学业, 智慧才能够有所长进。
During luck period with Eating God/Hurting Officer, the weakness will be reduced, will have good academic and intellectual progress.

Strong DR+ EG/HO weak

印强食伤弱,  大多不善营谋交易, 所以最好不要理财或经营投机生意,  最好能从公就职。
Strong Direct Resource & weak Eating God & Hurting Officer, such person is not good in bargaining or sales, better not to be involve in finance management, or business, instead can do better in civil or routine job)


正印过多, 表示受到母亲过多的照顾, 而变成溺爱, 因此, 其人往往缺乏独立自主精神。
Direct Resource too strong, means too much attention & care from mother, become over pampered, thus lack of independent thought & psychology.


正印过多也表示其人母亲健康不良, 或是某种原因而不得不借用他人之手养大。
Direct Resource too strong  also means mother is of poor health, or might due to specific reason they have to rely on others to raise up the person.


如果正印过强,  则其人可能和子女无缘.  身旺偏正印混杂, 其人有利己主义, 且又有孤独僻, 处理事务要小心。
If Direct Resource too strong, one might not have fate to be with own kids, strong health with mixture of bias & Direct Resource will cause other to bring benefit to own self, but also a sign of lonely, thus have to manage this carefully.

Officer+resource in HS

官印透干, 比较容易过着非常幸福的生活, 而且, 也能获得相当高的名誉和声望, 同时, 也很适合当一个领导者, 重望所归。
Officer and Resource protrude in the HS, will have better life, will gain good fame & reputation, also is a leader person who wins lots of supports.

DR+12Qi Phase

DR+ Chang Sheng

正印临长生, 主母亲端正仁慈长寿。
Direct Resource at Chang Shen, mother is a kind & loving person who will live for long age.

DR+ MuYu

正印临沐浴, 指本人职业多变化。
Direct Resource at Mu Yu, means lots of changes in career.

正印临冠带, 出生名门, 能显荣达。
Direct Resource at Guan Tai, become famous, capable of getting wealth & success.

正印旺于临官, 安泰有贤母。
Direct Resource at Lin Quan, peaceful family  & capable mother.

正印临帝旺, 能出人头地.
Direct Resource at Di Wang, outstanding success in life.

正印临衰地, 主一生较难伸展。
Direct Resource at Shuai stage, not capable to achieve success.

年柱正印且为喜用, 多指生于富贵之家 , 读书学业佳。
Year Pillar with Direct Resource and is favorable, born in noble family, good in academy.

月柱正印, 心地善良仁慈, 聪明健康, 一生少病。
Month Pillar with Direct Resource, kind hearted & loving, smart & healthy, seldom get sick.

如柱有偏正官, 为福厚之命;
如四柱无偏财, 印不受克, 文章成名;
如月支正印与日支冲, 主母家零落。
Pillar with Indirect and Direct Officer, luck of healthy & wealthy;
4 pillars with no Indirect Wealth, resource without control, successful in literary works;
with Month EB Direct Resource and Day EB clash, family of mother get neglected & poor.

日支正印, 配偶仁慈善良, 聪颖敦厚。
Day EB Direct Resource, will get kind & loving spouse, smart & loyal.

时柱正印且为喜用, 主子女聪明多贤孝。
Hour Pillar with Direct Resource and favorable, mean kids are smart, capable  & filial.



  1. Hi Master Beng Kung,

    I have problems to determine my chart is weak, neutral or strong.

    I have been tried many calculators bazi but the answers make me confused.

    Ren Bing Yi Yi
    Chen Xu You Mao

    Could you help me to define this resources as useful god or not?

    Thanks in advance

  2. very nice one, thank you. You should keep up with the work it is really helpful to me since i am not Chinese.
