Sunday, May 27, 2012

Blindman Secret Poem




Part 1

By Terrance
1-1a. Early heaven, which place?
1-1b. Later heaven, which place?
1-1c. Must know incoming place,
1-1d. Advantage to know outgoing place.

Early Heaven, where? Later Heaven, where?  Know where it's from, then you"ll know where it's heading to.

Where is before and where is afterwards? Know the past before moving forward

1-2a. Four pillars, arrange, establish,
1-2b. Three Gifts (San Cai) next divide,
1-2c. Year stem as root,
1-2d. Marry with original spirit.

The four pillars has a definitive arrangement.  3 then the hour in sequence.  The year stem as the base/foundation, match to the day master.

The four pillars are set, the three wealth/talent divided. The heavenly stem is root/base combined with the help of gods.

1-3a. Shen (spirit) Sha mutually accompanies,
1-3b. Lesser emphasis (on such) comparison,
1-3c. First, observe month Commander (or “in season”),
1-3d. Evaluate structure (or influence), deduce details.

Together with ShenSha, light/heavy(weak/strong) measure and compare. First inspect the season, discern the pattern, investigate carefully.

Shen Sha (Gods and Killings) are similar, their importance disputed. First look at the month pillar before looking at the chart type for details.

1-4a. Consider month as master,
1-4b. Focus on litigation (i.e. Sha), Wealth, Officer,
1-4c. District divided, nobility is low,
1-4d. Subtle method, many beginnings.

Let the month take the lead.  Specially dispute the wealth star, discern, differentiate noble or lowly chart... a beautiful method that gives much results.

Using the month pillar as the focal point, deduce the wealth (and post? As in career position). Rank the grade, methods are plenty.

1-5a. Alone then easily receive,
1-5b. Disorder, then difficult to be bright (or understand),
1-5c. Outgoing continue stretching to marry,
1-5d. Evaluate Counter, essential.

Alone, it would be easy to deduce.  In disarray, it is difficult to understand.  To go, to stay... harmonize easily. . discern the chart pattern.

A single element is easy to understand but a disarray of many makes it difficult. Coming and going make a pair, discussing about structures require insight.

1-6a. Officer able to support root,
1-6b. Wealth serves as Ming (or destiny) source,
1-6c. Resource ties in to guard body,
1-6d. Happiness or taboo, minutely discern.

The Officer can support the chart.  Wealth becomes the life source.  Resource protects the self.  Good, bad, minutely discern.

Officers can support the base, Wealth as the beginning of life, Resources protect the Self, Useful and Annoying Gods are not widely discussed/disputed/distinguished

1-7a. Meet Officer, see Wealth,
1-7b. See Wealth, riches, nobility,
1-7c. Meet Sha, see Resource,
1-7d. Encounter Resource, glorious, splendid.

Upon meeting the Officer, look for Wealth star,  see wealth, rich and noble/ famous.  When you see sha look for Resource,  If you see resource star, there's glory and splendor.

Meet officers and see Wealth, See Wealth with nobility, Meet Sha and see Resources, Meet Resources and gain fame/glory

1-8a. Have Officer, have Resource,
1-8b. Then Officer clearly noble,
1-8c. Sha, Resource mutually gathered,
1-8d. Results in fame manifested and attained.

If you have both Officer and Resource, because of Officer, become clearly famous/noble.  When sha and resource meet each other, will have fame and success in life... be very distinguished.

With Officers and Resources, this Official will be noble (and honest?). Sha and Resources together, achievements will be visible

Year, month (have) Officer star,
Early years, emerge benevolence,
Day, hour (have) true (or direct) nobility,
Later years, obtain fame.

Year, month with officer star, take up post early in life.  Day, hour pillar has nobleman officer, will attain fame at a later age.

If the Year and Month pillars control the stars, one will begin work at a young age. If the hour pillar is direct wealth, then at old age, one will enjoy glory/fame.

1-10a. Day master, strong and prosperous,
1-10b. Month, lift up, obtain Official-salary (possibly, meaning Eating God),
1-10c. Once, seeing Wealth, Officer,
1-10d. Natural to obtain good-fortune.

DM strong, flourishing, month carries Lu, once encounter wealth star, natural sign of prosperity.

The daymaster is strong and the month pillar embodies lu/luk (prosperity), once they see Wealth they will easily amass fortune

1-11a. Officer fears Sha moving (or luck-period),
1-11b. Sha fears Officer approaching,
1-11c. Officer, Sha repeatedly meeting,
1-11d. Controlling or submitting, the result.

Officer fears Sha fate, Sha fears arrival of Officer star, officer and sha upon meeting ,strengthens, subdues one's accomplishments.

Officers fear Sha (Killings) and Sha (Killings) fears Officers. If Officers and Sha (Killings) meet, the subdue was successful.

If the Officer goes and the Sha remains, will not see Officer again. If Officer remains and Sha goes, will not see Sha again. (Should be referring to your birth chart and luck periods)

1-12a. Month Commander (have) Wealth, Officer,
1-12b. Encounter, obtain good-fortune,
1-12c. Official-salary (i.e. Eating God), position, high and strong,
1-12d. Friend, robs good-fortune (i.e. Rob Wealth).

Month season is wealth, generates good fortune, Lu's position is high and strong, BiJian takes away fortune.

If the month pillar commands Wealth, then when they meet, they will amass fortune. If lu/luk (Prosperity) is strong, Bi Jian (Friend) will steal wealth.

1-13a. Direct Officer fears Official-salary (i.e. Eating God),
1-13b. Official-salary (i.e. Eating God) to avoid Seven Killings (Qi Sha
1-13c. Flow of the years, encounter this,
1-13d. Disasters, easily obtained.

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6



Part 7

Part 8

1 comment:

  1. look for 禾木的蜜雪儿

    or the translated version
