Friday, March 2, 2012

Yi Wood 乙 木

徐乐吾 评注

子平真诠评注 - Ziping Zhenquan Pingzhu (ZPZQPZ) or Annotations of Commentary on Ziping:






Athough Yi wood is tender and yielding, cut open the Goat which is Wei (Wei being the tomb of wood with Yi wood, Ding fire and Ji earth), split open the Ox which is Chou (Chou being moist earth with Gui water, Xin metal and Ji earth). Both have the ingredient for a healthy Yi wood; Gui water, Yi wood and Ji earth which is moist.

With Ding and Bing fire in the HS, Shen You in the EB.

Yi wood with Bing or Ding fire which not only provide warmth but also a key ingredient for growth is important to the health of the Yi wood.

Yi wood with Shen and You is necessary when the wood is prosperous and needs to be controlled (trim) for it to be appreciated and to be noble.

Wet and moist land, riding horse (with Wu in the EB) to obtain warm.

With prosperous water it is very difficult for the Yi wood to grow properly.

Even with Wu fire in the EB to provide warmth, it is still not an ideal healthy environment for the Yi wood.


For Yi wood with a support from Jia wood in the HS, can survive in Spring and Autumn.


Goat, wei. Ox, Chou.


Although Yi wood is tender and yielding, born in the month of Chou and Wei, Wei being the tomb of wood, Chou being moist earth which can nurture the root of Yi wood, with strong roots, can control soft earth.


Phonex, You. Monkey, Shen.


Born in the month of Shen and You, with Bing and Ding protrude in the HS, not worry about the prosperous metal.


Horse, Wu.


Born in Hai, Zi month, water prosperous wood will float, even with Wu in the EB, it is difficult for wood to grow properly.


With Jia in the HS and Yin in the EB, it is called “vines and rattan to connect with Jia” 藤萝系甲, it is able to survive in spring or in Autimn, meaning in all four seasons, not worried about being chopped.

Yi Wood Summary -窮通寶鑑QTBJ


寅月 取丙火解寒,略取癸水为滋润,不宜困丙。

Yin Month

Use Bing fire to tune the coldness, then use Gui water to nourish the moisture, do not distress the Bing fire.

卯月 以癸滋木,用丙泄秀,不宜见金。
Mao Month

Use Gui to nourish the wood, use Bing to make it elegant, not suitable to meet metal.

辰月 若支成水局,取戊为佐。
Chen Month

If chart becomes water frame, use wu earth to assist.

巳月 月令丙火得禄,专用癸水,调候为急。
Si Month

Bing fire being the month commader is prosperous, concentrate on using Gui water, tune it with urgency.

午月 上半月专用癸水,下半月丙癸并用。
Wu Month

First half month use Gui water, second half month use both Gui and Bing.

未月 润土滋木,喜用癸水,柱多金水,先用丙火。

Wei Month

Moist earth nourish wood, good to use Gui water, with many metal water in the chart, use Bing fire first, being the summer month Ren or Gui water is uasble, avoid Wu Ji earth create hurt and confusion.

申月 月垣庚金司令,取丙火制之,或癸水化之。

Shen month

Geng metal in command for the month, use Bing fire to control the metal, can also use Gui water to reduce the metal, if Bing not available then use Gui, in all cases Ji earth can assist.

酉月 上半月癸先丙后,下半月用丙先癸后,无癸用壬。
You Month

First half of the month Gui first Bing second, second half of the month Bing first Gui second, no Gui use Ren water.

戌月 以金发水之源。见甲,名藤萝系甲。
Xu Month

To use metal as the source of water.

Meet Jia wood, name vines/rattan connect Jia wood. (Special relationship where the Yi wood meets support by the Jia wood.)

亥月 乙木向阳,专用丙火,水多以戊为佐。
Hai Month

Yi wood moving towards the sun(warm), good to use Bing fire, water prosperous use Wu earth to assist.

子月 寒木向阳,专用丙火,忌见癸水。
Zi Month

Cold wood moving towards the sun(warm), focus on using Bing fire, inauspicious to meet Gui water.

(Moving towards the sun means in a cold weather, the wood is always searching for warmth and facing the sunlight.)

丑月 寒谷回春,专用丙火。

Chou Month

Season returning to spring, good to use Bing fire.

(It is still cold even though it is getting towards spring)


  1. Great work. Thank You!

  2. Thanks for the wonderful translation.

    Could you please post a translation of "Gui Water" also?
