Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bazi Chart - Chiang Kai Shek

From the book 千里命稿

by 韦千里 Wei Qian Li


丁亥 庚戌 己巳 庚午

Year Month Day Time


Chiang Kai Shek’s chart.

October 31, 1887 – April 5, 1975

A political and military leader of 20th century China.


Geng….. Ji …..Geng…..Ding


DM Ji earth

Geng Hurting Officer.

初九 己酉

9 Ji You (1896 – 1904)

十九 戊申

19 Wu Shen (1905 – 1915)

廿九 丁未

29 Ding Wei (1916 – 1925)

三九 丙午

39 Bing Wu (1926 – 1935)

四九 乙巳

49 Yi Si (1936 – 1945)

五九 甲辰

59 Jia Chen (1946 – 1955)

六九 癸卯

69 Gui Mao (1956 – 1965)


Geng metal hurting officer, obtained left over fire Qi from Xu month, 2 HO appear in the HS,


Wonderful to have fire resource to control the HO, as a result the DM is a healthy and strong person.


San Ming Tung Hui – Metal god enter fire village.


The chart uses resource to control Hurting Officer,

Favorable to meet resource, no need to meet more Hurting Officer.


Early years during Shen You Luck Period, it is like the bones being pulled in all directions by horses. (Probably very though life during these 2 LP)

Chiang grew up in an era in which military defeats and civil wars among warlords had left China destabilized and in debt, and he decided to pursue a military career. He began his military education at the Baoding Military Academy, in 1906.

Returning to China in 1911 after learning of the outbreak of the Wuchang Uprising, Chiang intended to fight as an artillery officer. He served in the revolutionary forces, leading a regiment in Shanghai under his friend and mentor Chen Qimei, one of Sun's chief lieutenants. The revolutionary aims of overthrowing the Qing Dynasty ultimately succeeded and Chiang became a founding member of the Kuomintang.


Ding Wei LP due to fire Qi not strong, dragon hidden in the abyss or Cloud. (Probably difficult to achieve much due to everything hidden from view)

(1916 – 1925)

On May 18, 1916 agents of Yuan Shikai assassinated Chen Qimei. Chiang succeeded Chen as leader of the Chinese Revolutionary Party in Shanghai.

In 1917, Sun Yat-sen moved his base of operations to Guangzhou and Chiang joined him in 1918.


During Bing Wu LP, fire control is good, wind and cloud opportunity. (Lots of opportunity during this period)

(1926 – 1935)

Sun Yat-sen died on March 12, 1925,[7] creating a power vacuum in the KMT. A contest ensued between Chiang, who stood at the right wing of the KMT, and Sun Yat-sen's close comrade-in-arms Wang Jingwei, who leaned towards the left. Although Wang succeeded Sun as Chairman of the National Government, Chiang's relatively low position in the party's internal hierarchy was bolstered by his military backing and political maneuvering following the Zhongshan Warship Incident. On June 5, 1926, Chiang became zong si ling (Commander-in-Chief) of the National Revolutionary Army,[8] and on July 27 launched a military campaign known as the Northern Expedition, to defeat the warlords controlling northern China and unify the country under the KMT.

He served as chairman of the National Military Council of the Nationalist Government of the Republic of China (ROC) from 1928 to 1948

Having gained control of China, Chiang Kai-shek's party remained surrounded by "surrendered" warlords who remained relatively autonomous within their own regions. On October 10, 1928, Chiang was named director of the State Council, the equivalent to President of the country, in addition to his other titles.


Yi Si LP the beauty of wood providing resource for the fire, getting whatever wishes for. (Success during this period)

(1936 – 1945)

The Second Sino-Japanese War broke out in July 1937, and in August that year Chiang sent 600,000 of his best-trained and equipped soldiers to defend Shanghai. With over 200,000 Chinese casualties, Chiang lost the political cream of his Whampoa-trained officers. Though Chiang lost militarily, the battle dispelled Japanese claims it could conquer China in three months and demonstrated to the Western powers that the Chinese would continue the fight. By December, the capital city of Nanjing had fallen to the Japanese, and Chiang moved the government inland first to Wuhan and later to Chongqing. Devoid of economic and industrial resources, Chiang withdrew into the hinterlands, stretching the Japanese supply lines and bogging down Japanese soldiers in the vast Chinese interior. However, these scorched earth policies also resulted in tens of thousands of deaths, including the 1938 Huang He flood, when dams were burst to delay the Japanese advance. Some 500,000 people are thought to have been killed.

Chiang was even named the Supreme Commander of allied forces in the China war zone. He was created a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath by King George VI in 1942.


Jia Chen LP HO meet Officer, dissplve the team to go back to the field, is a top plan.

(1946 – 1955)

Chiang moved the government to Taipei, Taiwan, where he formally resumed duties as president on March 1, 1950.

Chiang was reelected by the National Assembly to be the President of the ROC on May 20, 1954 and again in 1960, 1966, and 1972. He continued to claim sovereignty over all of China, which he defined as China proper and Taiwan, Mongolia, and Tibet.

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