Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bazi 3 Punishment

論三刑 三命通会


















寅巳申 Yin Si Shen




Yin Si

Jia Ke Wu

Wu Gui combo, Gui is Jia wood mother/resource.

Wu earth is Gui’s husband, Jia’s father, being Ke by Father Jia, forgot about the kindness.


Si Shen Yin

Bing Ke Geng Ke Jia








With Yin and Si, must check the HS for fire,

When the HS has fire, the Yin will support the Si and ke/control the Geng.

With Si and Shen, must check HS for water.

When the HS has water , the water will support the Yin wood.

There must be conditions when this punishment is bad and when this punishment is good.
Cant just says Yin Si Shen is bad news.

Here is what the book says which i think makes a lot of sense.
Yin Si is a punishment.
What r the condition?
The HS must have Bing or Ding for a fire prosperous situation.
There must be no Wu Ji earh in the HS to reduce the fire.
Or the Wu Ji earth's Qi must not be strong enough to challenge the fire Qi.
The Yin will then support the Si fire to create a strong fire environment.
With a very strong fire environment, the Shen Metal will be punished.
That’s why it is called punishment.

If u refer to San Ming Tung Hui,
It is saying,
盖寅中有甲木刑巳中戊土,戊以癸水相 为要,则癸水者,甲木之母也
In the Yin there is Jia wood which punish the Wu earth in the Si fire.

As a result it hinders the combination of Wu Gui.
Gui is the mother of Jia.
Wu earth is the husband of Gui.
Jia being the son is the punisher.
Thats why it is called ungrateful punishment.

When there is no fire in the HS, the Shen metal is not being punished.
As a result the punishment does not apply.
The same logic has to be applied when Yin and Shen is taken into consideration.

Si Shen is a water combo.
When the HS has Ren and Gui to facilitate the water combo.
The result is an auspicious formation which supports the YIN.
Water being the resource

When there are no water in the HS, the Geng will clash the Yin wood.
The SI fire will burn the Yin wood.
And the Si is a destruction with Yin.
So it is a triple destruction to the Yin wood.

Is it bad??????
Is the Yin wood favorable or unfavorable????

If unfavorable, it might be a good thing.

So Yin Si Shen is not always bad.

Similarly Chou Xu Wei must be analyze in detail.
To understand the meaning of each of the clashes and effect.
Chou Xu Wei is so deep.
Reason being we r talking about tomb and store.
The concept of tomb and store is already a most difficult concept.
On top of that we r mixing clashes in the equation.
When u clash a store or tomb, what is the outcome.
Is the store full or empty.
The next thing is the surplus Qi from the left over

The most interesting about the 3 punishment is that 3 element needs to be considered, unlike ZI Mao or the self punishment.

So many books just tell u this with this is a punishment.
Without knowing the reason.
They just says this with this with this is a punishment.

I have used this theory to check chart to confirm this punishment.
This year is a fantastic year cause of the YIN year.
Not all Yin Si Shen are having a bad time.
Another thing is the representation of the 10 god.
Who they represent.
So can check who is affected.

丑戌未 Chou Xu Wei


Why Chou Xu Wei is called rely upon power punishment?


In the roots of Chou is prosperous water, Chou is considered as wet earth,


In the roots of Xu is fire store, when Chou is prosperous the prosperous water punish the fire inside the XU store,


Xu is the elder in the Liu Jia, Wei is the youger for liu Gui,


Xu represent Liu Jia the elder punish Wei Liu Gui the younger,


Wei have prosperous earth, further adding to punish the prosperous water inside Chou.


Wei with prosperous fire power punish the metal inside Chou,


Chou with prosperous water power punish the fire inside Xu,


Xu with prosperous metal power punish the wood inside Wei,

Therefore representing relying on power to bully.





My interpretation is as follows.


Gui Xin Ji (HHS)

Gui being the left over prosperous water Qi from the winter Hai Zi Chou season.

And it is also the first HHS and it rules for 9 days.

Xin is the store for metal. From the Si You Chou 3 combination.

It rules for the next 3 days.

Ji earth is the main Qi of Chou and it rules for the next 18 days.


Xin Ding Wu. (HHS)

Xin being the left over prosperous metal Qi from the Autumn Shen You Xu season.

It is the first HHS and it rules for 9 days.

Ding is the store for fire. From the Yin Wu Xu 3 combination.

It rules for the next 3 days.

Wu earth is the main Qi of Xu and it rules for the next 18 days.


Ding Yi Ji. (HHS)

Ding being the left over prosperous fire Qi from the Summer Si Wu Wei season.

It is the first HHS and it rules for 9 days.

Yi is the store for wood. From the Hai Mao Wei 3 combination.

It rules for the next 3 days.

Ji earth is the main Qi of Wei and it rules for the next 18 days.

The prosperous Gui water inside Chou punish the Ding fire store inside Xu.

The prosperous Ding fire inside Wei punish the Xin metal store inside Chou.

The prosperous Xin metal inside Xu punish the Yi wood store inside Wei.

As a result the resultant Qi is only earth, the rest are gone or diminished.

No Fire, Metal, Wood Qi left.

Chou and Wei clash.

The prosperous Gui water inside Chou clashes with the prosperous Ding fire inside Wei.

The Xin metal store inside Chou clashes with the Yi wood store inside Wei.

Only earth Qi left and is further strengthen by the clash.

Xu being a fire store further strengthen the earth in Chou and Wei.

So this punishment can be termed as an over supply of earth.

Conditions making this punishment very very bad.

Wu earth of Ji earth in the HS.

Fire and Earth in the HS.

Conditions when this effect is reduced.

When water is in the HS, the effect is reduced.

When Yi wood is in the HS, the clash between Chou and Wei will releases the wood store.

When Xin is in the HS, the clash between the Chou and Wei will release the metal store.

Depending on the strength and type of the DM, the effect would be different.

For example for a strong earth DM, the effect would be bad,

For a weak water DM, the effect would be very bad as well,

For a strong water DM, it is probably not a bad thing.

For a strong Jia wood, probably means a lot of wealth.


  1. I like to thank you for such detail explanation on tomb store and cashes. The reason behind my interest is that my day and hour is chou and wei clash. my Hour are being wood wei and hour metal chou. If it not too much trouble, could give some analysis on my wei/chou clash.

    Also, curently doing reseach on tomb/store which is very hard to come by in internet on such topic. Form your explantion on tomb/store, does that mean for example: snake/si
    ji is(store) rule for 7 day first since ji is (prosperous) then,7 day of xin(tomb)rule, then main Qi bing/fire rule for remainng 16 day. Is this correct? or tomb and store apply to earth branches only

    thank you for your help

  2. Hi David,
    Tomb and store refers to the 4 earth EB. When they clash it opens the store and release the HHS inside. Example for Chou the HHS are Gui Xin and Ji. When clashed the three HHS will appear and become active. For Wei, the HHS are Yi Ding and Ji. When clashed teh three Yi Ding and Ji becomes active. Whenever earth EB clashes the earth becomes stronger. The concept of store. Wei is the store for wood. Hai, Mao , wei being the 3 combination for wood. Wei is the store for the Yi wood. If the HS has no Yi. The Wei has an empty store. There is no Yi wood inside. When Yi wood appears in the LP or AP the Yi can be sucked inside the store.

  3. Hello,i would like to seek some advice im a newbie in bazi. My name is juliet and I have a daughter dob august 20, 2003/ 3:15 am time/ born in manila. My concern is this,on her chart she is going to have a 3 punishment in her 2019 xu 10yr lp. I read some books about it and it confuse me, can you please tell me if that lp will be bad to my daughter? Any advice will be a great help for me, thank you so much... God bless you.

  4. For the Chou-Wei-Xu punishment, Can i know how if for Strong Metal DM?
