Sunday, October 4, 2009

1972 May 31st 4.30am Bazi

乾造 () 19725314 (寅時) 2009











Yin Water



Yin Water



Yin Wood



Yang Water




Yang Wood




Yang Earth




Yin Fire




Yin Water






















Gold Foil

Ocean Water

Candle Flame

Mulberry Tree Wood





Prosperity Peak

文昌 驛馬 孤辰 孤鸞



天乙 太極 亡神 劫煞 地網

災煞 羊刃 空亡

LP AP Template

LP 2003

AP 2009

AP 2010






Yin Earth



Yin Earth



Yang Metal

You 2008



Yin Metal




Yin Earth




Yang Wood
























文昌 驛馬 孤辰 孤鸞



















Ren water person born in Si summer. The dominant Qi on the 31st day is Bing fire.

The Ren daymaster is supported by 2 other Ren in the HS and a Zi the Eb making it a strong water chart.

However the resource (direct and indirect) represented by metal are all hidden in the roots.

Overall the chart should be read as a strong water chart. It is a cold chart and the Si fire is the most important element keeping the chart from being too cold.

Being a strong water chart the favorable elements are fire, earth and wood.

Unfavorable elements are water and metal, especially water.

Analyzing the HS and EB separately will show that water and metal is unfavorable to the HS.

Ren and Gui water is therefore unfavorable HS element.

The EB analysis shows that any additional water element will diminish the Si fire which is very important to this chart to keep the chart from being too cold.

Any combination or clashes with the Si fire will also be bad for the chart.

The Si fire changes to three different element with different Eb.

Si with Shen turns to water. – unfavorable.

Si You Chou to metal. – unfavorable.

Si Wu Wei to fire. – favorable.

Hai will clash with the Si fire. – unfavorable.

Yin harm the Si fire. – unfavorable.



Si fire at month pillar and Yin wood at time pillar - Harm formation. Not activated.

Yin Si Shen punishment will be activated when Shen appears.


Ren water Day Master (DM), born in the summer season of Si when water qi is death phase, which means the chart favors Water and Metal (Self, Rob Wealth & Resources).

Fortunately, there are Water Heavenly Stems (HS) on the Year, Day and Hour Pillars rallying support with strong water roots in the Ren Zi year pillar. As such, Ren Zi plays a vital role in this chart in terms of strengthening DM.

As a result it is therefore important for the Zi to be protected and not clashed or combined to other element.


The key point for this chart is to protect the fire and reduce the water. Wood is very useful to reduce the water and increase the fire.

Earth is also useful to suppress the water.

The key element is Si fire which holds the whole chart together.

Si is the element which keeps the chart warm.

Shen will combine with Si to form water totally destroying whatever this person has.

Shen also has a half combo to water with Zi.

Shen will also combine with Yin and Si to form a 3 punishment (ungrateful) .

Shen year 2004.

There is a hidden combination inside Zi and Si. The Wu inside Si can combo with the Gui in Zi to form fire which is favorable to the chart.

It will only be triggered when Bing or Ding appears in the heavenly stem.

It can be triggered by Year or Month.

When it happens a person will help him make money.

Due to the stupid Ren in the HS of the year pillar, the combo might be unsuccessful.

It means there have been people who wanted to help but not always successful.

In 2009, the Si You Chou combination will create havoc to this chart after August. The key element the Si fire is transformed to metal which will produce more water which is unfavorable to this chart.

Si You alone wouldn’t transform to metal due to the Si month and there being no transformation God in the HS.

Ten Year Luck Pillar 大運


















丙午管 1973年至 1982




丁未管 1983年至 1992





戊申管 1993年至 2002




己酉管 2004年至 2013




JI YOU - Current LP (Luck Pillar)

He entered this Ji You LP at 31 years old. The arrival of You EB brought several disruptions:

You destruction with Zi (natal chart Year pillar)

You harm with Xu (natal chart Day pillar)

Hidden Heavenly Stems (HHS) or root combinations between You and Si (natal chart Month pillar) – Xin inside You EB combines with Bing inside Si EB

You-Zi Destruction

This weakens his vital Ren Zi pillar, thus reducing DM’s important rooted water support. Metal inside You destructs Water inside Zi. Since Xin is DM’s resource, it is turning against Self element water, which points to external parties appearing helpful at first but in essence causing more problems in the end. We will revisit this point in further detail when we examine this year’s (2009) AP (Annual Pillar) against Mr. Y’s LP and natal chart.

You-Xu Harm

A Harm is something that is built up overtime, just waiting to blow up. Upon entering his current LP, problems between DM and external parties i.e. new alliances, clients, suppliers, possibly even staffs arise one after another. Since the harm is afflicting the Day pillar with wu earth (7 killings) inside Xu EB, Mr. Yaw’s regular ‘killer instinct’ is impacted. With earth being resource of metal, and Xin (You) harming Wu (Xu), all these cumulative problems are giving him tremendous duress with the (Metal) months of Aug, Sept and Oct (present) being the worse of the whole year.

Bing-Xin combo

The hidden roots (HHS) of Xin in You EB (LP) and Bing in Si (month pillar) is an attempt to create water. This combination would have caused Mr. Yaw money/expenditure as it combines away his wealth root of Bing. Though water should ultimately strengthen the DM, it looks like money is flowing out but returns are not coming in as they should.

庚戌管 2013年至 2022



辛亥管 2023年至 2032



壬子管 2033年至 2042




Year Luck Pillar

2007 年丁亥 - 36歲流年




2008 年戊子 - 37歲流年





2009 年己丑 - 38歲流年





2009 Ji Chou AP (Annual Pillar)

Chou-You-Si Trinity combo

Ji Chou combines with Ji You (LP) and Yi Si (month pillar) in a Chou-You-Si attempt to create Metal Trinity. Metal, by right should be resource to a water DM.

However, this combo, like the Fire trinity, does not manifest on a HS (heavenly stem). It appears that Mr. Y has been trying to rally external parties’ support but have yet to see any results. On the HS, the two Ji earths are controlling one Yi wood.

Ji earth being Direct Officer and Yi wood being Hurting Officer – Mr. Yaw feels subdued by his clients and is finding it hard to meet their demands in order to get their business.

With earth being so overwhelming, metal is buried under, and this points back to the earlier You-Xu Harm. Metal is resource and suppose to be of aid to this water DM, but instead, with strong Ji earth (DO) stacking over, metal is busy fending for itself! It is also interesting to note that in the relationship of the 5 elements, earth is actually metal’s resource – could Mr. Y’s supposed external network be busy conserving their own fort instead of rendering assistance to his?

The Ji earth from You EB (Ji You LP) is also combining the Jia inside Yin EB (Hour pillar). Mr. Yaw may be having staff issues too.

Under such circumstances, the recommendation will be to fly under the radar for the next few months and till Ji Chou tides over.

With the winter months of Yi Hai and Bing Zi and Ding Chou round the corner, Mr. Yaw may see a bit of income, especially with Yi, Bing and Ding emerging on HS. However, we will advise him not to be too hopeful as the money would be of ‘superficial’ quality, seeing that Wood and Fire only appear on stems and the governing EB remaining rather wet and cold in nature.

2010 年庚寅 - 39歲流年



Next year the AP moves into Spring mode and that’s when Mr. Y should start seeing improvement. It will however be progressive and therefore Mr. Y should not take any uncalculated risks and slowly phase out his current business while vying to invest into other business/industry which element is more to his favour.

His current business is a Xu EB dependent type. Fire in Xu is in storage, only released when clashed by an appropriate specific EB – one cannot expect this business to generate wealth at a consistent momentum.

In view of his chart, it would be better for him to venture into business of wood and earth in nature. This is because his forthcoming Luck Pillars are favourable enough to strengthen his weak water DM. Once DM is substantially strengthened he is equipped to produce output (wood) and take on fire (wealth). Earth balances the strong fire output and in turn, produces metal, harmonising the whole cycle bringing chart back to balance with ready support of resource.

2010 Geng Yin

First half of 2010 when Geng is in control.

HS combo – Yi Geng to metal. No transformation. However the Yi which is a key HS element in balancing the HS by reducing the water is being reduced. Metal which is unfavorable producing more water in the HS is being strengthened.

This is not a good period. Not as bad as Chou second half of 2008 which combined away the Si snake. The water element is now supported by metal creating more water and as a result diminishing the fire wealth element.

Second half of 2010 when Yin takes over.

EB interaction.

Yin Tiger from AP harm Si Snake at MP.

You from LP and Zi at YP having a destruction behavior.

You from LP and Xu at DP having a harm formation.

Again during the month of Shen, the Si will be combined transforming to water.

This is again not a good period. The key element, the Si snake is again disturbed.

Of the four EB, three are being affected during this period. The fourth represented by the TP Yin wood have the potential to join the AP Yin to harm the Si snake.

This You LP is not a good period for this chart.

The 3 combo for You are all unfavorable.

You Chen to metal.

Shen You Xu to metal.

Si You Chou to metal.

That’s why You is considered as pure metal.

This You is especially strong supported by the HS Ji earth which is the resource for metal.

2011 年辛卯 - 40歲流年





2012 年壬辰 - 41歲流年






The presence of Earthly Branches (EB) of Si, Xu and Yin (month, day and hour pillars) tells us that this is an inherently wealth generating chart. Both Xu and Yin EBs also form a combination of Fire, pushing up a ‘silent’ (concept called ‘silent push’ under specific conditions) Wu EB. Together this combo of Yin, Xu and the pushed up Wu form a strong Fire trinity, signifying strong wealth. Without a Fire Heavenly Stem, the presence of wealth is not made readily known to external parties i.e. public.

The three Ren water elements on Heavenly Stems also tell us that, in order to generate his own personal business wealth, he needs to collaborate with a good network of alliances. Standing alone, the DM would be too weak to take on the strong wealth elements, and could end up losing instead of making money.

A person born in the wealth month represent strong wealth. But the wealth element which is represented by fire in not available in the heavenly stem. It denotes that this person does not show off his wealth to other people and also a bit stingy.

There are two other wealth element in the hidden roots.

The hidden wealth element in this person’s chart represent inherited properties which is quite a lot.

During his childhood years govern by fire luck period, the person must be quite well off.

Due to the 2 additional Ren water, whatever wealth this person has, he will have to share with others.

As a result earth is a useful element in reducing the water in the year pillar. When the water is reduced the fire element will automatically increase.

The second half of the 2008 must be quite bad for wealth. Being in You metal luck period and during Zi water year. Making this person loss his killer instinct and becoming too wild. Also not doing well in wealth aspect.

The first half of the year was very good for him when he was supported by 2 earth diminishing the troublesome water.

Similarly in 2007 the first half of the year was good and horrible after August. The most important element the SI fire was clashed by the Hai.

It is important to note that the Si fire is the key to this chart and when it is clashed or combined or harmed, the whole chart becomes unbalance.




★偏財信息:天干不透。地支 2藏,得時而旺。

★正財信息:天干不透。地支 1藏,得時而旺。暗藏入庫。











A Ren Xu DM, with self seated on Wu earth (7 killings) is someone opportunistic who works with strategic moves. He may be a loner at heart, but shrewd enough to take advantage of enterprising relationships to garner support to achieve his goals.

A Ren water person is wise and rational. Also a responsible person.

Good at human relation and personal connection. Easy to succeed in enterprise.

The key characteristic of a Ren water person is his capability to adapt to changes and also ability to endure hardship.

Due to the abundance of water in this chart, this person has the tendencies to overdo things; for example submerging a whole village like an ocean from a tsunami current.

The person key weakness is making mistake due to self pride.

The resources are only in the roots, both Direct and Indirect. This person might look unkind but he still has a heart.

The 7 killing in the roots also makes this person a ruthless person. You wouldn’t be able to tell from his outlook. He makes decision quickly.

















Marriage / Ralationship

As Hurting Officer (HO) protrudes on HS, Mr. Yaw should be quite apt in his communication (which comes in handy in his dealings with his other Ren water alliances) and likely be apt in some presentation/showcase skills too. HO is favourable in this chart as wood happens to be the resource for fire. Again the Ren waters on the HS play their prominent role for without them the Yi would be all dried up seated on the Si EB!

★偏財 旺而得位,妾勝妻。







Shen Sha

年柱 災煞 羊刃 空亡
月柱 天乙 太極 亡神 劫煞 地網
日柱 寡宿 陰陽差錯
時柱 文昌 驛馬 孤辰 孤鸞

Ten God


Fame and foutune.

★七殺信息:天干不透。地支 3藏,得時而旺。暗藏入庫。


Mr. Y here comes from an affluent family of wealth, as noted from the Yi Si month pillar, with Bing fire rooted firmly in the Earthly Branch of Si snake. Bing being Indirect Wealth denotes family wealth acquired through business. The Ren Zi year pillar being an important support to DM also reflects the grandparents being the foundation of the cumulative family wealth.

★比劫坐 驛馬者,兄弟姐妹多遠行,多瀟灑。


◆你八字中金太弱或死絕,應多注意氣虛,咳嗽,皮膚干燥,骨節疼痛,大腸泄痢便血, 并常有呼吸不暢,常受感冒之患,如果嚴重的話,有得肺病的可能。

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